Part 6

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Two days later, dressed in what she thought was casual but elegant jeans, she went with Gray to purchase stock. Though what she knew about that could be written on one edge on a postage stamp. Given Gray's expression, he clearly thought she was there to be seen as the owner, and he despised her for it. Her designer jeans, her polished leather boots, that jaunty scarf around her neck, what did she think? This wasn't a fashion parade for horsewoman of the year. Regan could see that he was not terribly impressed with her, and she knew that if she tried to talk to him it would result in another debacle. So she had kept her own counsel.

Gray banked his temper. The woman was the only fly in the ointment. He loved working the farm, but working for her was outrageous, given her attitude to this farm. He took it from the jaw of collapse and decay. He addressed the damage, the shambles and regenerated the farm. Pure renaissance without her assistance. It annoyed him. She no doubt will claim she turned the farm around. She barely showed her face at the barn. He just hoped that she noticed the difference in the farm. The only problem is that she held the purse strings, and the farm is at a stage that requires stock.

Regan was pleased she had sought a loan for the purchase because the potential and the thought of working with these animals had clearly made Gray very happy. He looked more purposeful and seemed to be relishing the prospect of working with the stock they had bought. His eyes had taken on a less stormy countenance. There was a lightness to his step, he seemed to stand taller, and his lips even looked as if they had relaxed a little. The fact that her actions, writing a cheque for the livestock, had made him happy and it made her happy.

He might not like her, but he liked working her farm. That much was obvious. And he was doing a superb job. She imagined that he would be on his feet in no time at all. He was a born leader. One who had clearly taken a hard knock in his life, but one whose work ethic and resolute determination shone through at every turn.

She knew she'd have to start looking to take on some extra work, do some overtime or take on more locums, as the bank had confirmed that they could not provide any further increase in the future. Without an increase she couldn't pay Gray his wage. The stock purchases had literally cleaned out her account. Thank goodness he didn't know she was paying him the minimum wage. She hoped she could still afford to manage this situation. She just needed to find some locum work to add to her normal workload.

Regan's mind was miles away as she thought about some of the things she needed to get sorted the next day. So in her preoccupied state of mind, when she was on her way out she accidentally stumbled into Gray.

"Oh. Oops." She muttered as she braced herself against him to stop herself pitching forward. "Sorry about that." She said again. He felt solid beneath her hands. That contact brought an instant escalation to her pulse. All thoughts that had occupied her mind a few minutes ago vanished. The only thought she had was, he was holding her.

Gray had automatically reached for her shoulders to steady her. But as he steadied her, his eyes focussed on hers and for some inexplicable reason he leaned forward and without hesitation he brushed his lips against hers. It was sheer reflex. Unexpected. Her body sent his a message, and his brain sent a response that saw him leaning forward and kissing her.

A gentle kiss, that was tender and achingly responsive. A kiss that made her heart race. A kiss that was wholly unexpected. Gray stepped away almost as quickly as he had stepped into that kiss. His actions had taken him by surprise. Taken her by surprise too. As sanity returned his actions seemed out of place.

Gray simply didn't understand why he'd done that. He wasn't the type to do things without thinking them through. And kissing her without thinking it through was a mistake. In any case, kissing her, regardless of thinking it through was a mistake. He didn't like her, her values or her attitude. So why the hell had he kissed her?

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