Part 84

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Regan and Lucy were holding a stand-off, staring at each, one frowning the other grinning!

Gray asked, "What time?"

Lucy looked over the bed at looked at Gray, shook her shoulder, "What time?"

"Yes, what time are you coming here tomorrow."

"er, I hadn't thought about when exactly, just tomorrow." She was standing at the other side of the bed.

Regan glared at Gray, "She doesn't have to give a time!",and held onto the tray when Lucy kissed her cheek. "Come whenever suits you, Lucy."

"See you tomorrow...." Lucy said with a smile.

"Lunch would be good." Gray insisted. "Just to make sure that Regan is ok." Quirked an eyebrow at Regan, who had rolled her eyes. "That she has eaten." Gray smiled.

"Gray, enough!" Regan steadied the tray on her lap. She looked across at Lucy, "I will be fine."

"I can do lunch." Lucy ignored Regan's statement, as Lucy walked towards the door. "What about breakfast? I can pop over." Lucy suggested when she reached the door.

"Hello, you do know I am still here and can make my breakfast and lunch and anything!" Regan looked daggers at Lucy.

Lucy ignored Regan's glare and focused on Gray, "I am around for the next two days, so can do meals, lunch or breakfast, or even dinner."

"For goodness sake. I can heat soup and toast!"

Gray nodded at Lucy, "Thanks. But don't worry about breakfast, I can check that she has breakfast..."

"Are you staying over?" Lucy's eyes showed her surprise.

"No!" Regan said firmly. "No he is not!"

"She is right. I am not staying over." Gray said with a chuckle, "I will be here for the morning shift to show her new worker the ropes with the shed."

Lucy beamed, "You have found a worker. Already? Really?" Lucy remained at the door and threw Regan a happy smile.

Gray put his hands in his pockets and said, "Yes. Bob is starting tomorrow. He will do the morning shift for the first ten days then will do both shifts." Gray hoped his short version of the conversation would be enough. Only to realise that Lucy will not accept short versions of anything.

"He can't do both?" Lucy frowned and remained at the door.

"Not for the first ten days." Sam knew that, because Gray had told him about the potential worker. "He will do the morning shift."

"Just the morning shift." Lucy looked over at Regan with a question in her eyes.

Regan nodded her head. "We talked about it." It was time for Lucy to glower, and Regan to beam. "And it is fine."

"Really, Regan? I thought we discussed options, remember. " Lucy frowned when she noted the stubborn glint in Regan's eyes. "Who is going to do the evening shift, Regan. You can't!"

"Granddad and I can't do tomorrow for various reasons." Which added to Lucy's glower, and Gray removed his hands from his pockets and raised them in a placating gesture, "We will cover it for the ten days. Just not tomorrow." Gray said.

Lucy came back into the bedroom, she was not going to leave Regan working when she is still tired. "You aren't expecting Regan to do it. She could barely walk to the bathroom. What is the matter with you people!"

Regan glared at Lucy, "Thanks for that vote of confidence, Lucy! I am better then yesterday. The antibiotics are working. So I am sure I will be better tomorrow."

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