Part 96

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He knocked on her bedroom door and then opened the door.

"I'm sorry." She said when she saw who it was. "I don't know what came over me." He closed the door. "Well, actually I do." She looked across and noticed he had taken a couple steps forward. She automatically backed away, " But I have more control than that." She smiled ruefully, hoping that would stop this debacle. "Usually." She offered another smile, "I am really sorry."

He said nothing, just took another step toward her.

"It was just an accident." She announced, narrowed her eyes and stepped back.

"No, it wasn't" He contradicted and took a step forward.

"Yes it was!" She insisted and pursed her lips.

"No, it wasn't!" He protested and his lips curved.

"Really!" She snapped.

Gray said dryly, "It was not an accident." He shook his head, and his smile returned to his lips. "You know that. I know that." He looked at her and said softly, "It was not an accident."

"I tripped!" She scowled, searched for a decent reason and came up with nothing, so opted for the truth. "I wasn't looking ..."

He interrupted. "Yes. Perhaps." He conceded. Regan nodded in support. With a smile on his lips he again shook his head, "Regan, that kiss was not an accident." And if it was an accident he hoped he would have more accidents of this ilk.

"Are you serious?" She hooted with laughter. Beneath that laugh was a mixture of nervousness, concern and delight. Why was he grinning at her?

He raised both brows and his eyes all but danced. Obviously time to talk is over as he kicked off his shoes.

"What are you doing?" She looked bemused for a second and then looked at his shoes. "Gray?" She looked at where his shoes landed and wondered about his actions. She repeated, "What are you doing?"

"Getting undressed." He told her, and reached for the hem of his t shirt.

"Undressed?" She nearly squealed. Regan all but blinked in confusion. This must be in another universe. Or she was dreaming. Or had ingested some unknown drug.

Was he kidding? That thought was barely registered in her mind when he tugged his t shirt over his head. He heard her muffled squeak. He removed his t-shirt. That action accompanied three words, "Yes. Just starting!" He could not help the smile. She looked flustered. And gorgeous, he thought as he watched her blushing.

She looked utterly bemused, and she mumbled, "You are having me on."

He laughed. "You told me to take my shirt off." He reminded her and dropped his t shirt on the floor. And he watched her carefully, wondered if seeing his scars, up and close, would put her off.

Regan looked the t shirt on her bedroom floor then looked at him. Definitely a different universe. "That was then." His clothing was going to be strewn over her bedroom floor. She huffed. "Gray, pick up you t-shirt!" She added quickly, "And put on your shoes." Narrowed her eyes and accused, "And in any case, the kiss was silly."

He laughed, "Silly?"

"Yes." She rolled her eyes.

He grinned, "You know what, your concept of accidents and silliness suits me!"

"I tripped." She huffed. " And I was not expecting a kiss. And you definitely were not expecting a kiss." She closed her eyes. This was everything she wanted and yet she figured it must be a dream. For he had turned her down within the last hour. He was hardly going to turn up in her bedroom now, and certainly not to follow through, unless it was her dreams.

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