She was really tempted to stamp her foot, preferably, on his toes, instead, she huffed, "I told you that to boost your confidence! I am sure, in your past, someone complimented you on your eyes. It doesn't mean friendship. Just an observation."
That temptation to step on his toes nearly overtook her hold on her temper. Inhale. Exhale, inhale, exhale, she repeated the mantra in her head. On an exhale she said, quietly but firmly, "Just because I helped you to recover your confidence does not make you my friend!"
"Well, you did boost my self-esteem."
"Great. But do remember I am a doctor! I help people everyday, in my capacity as a Doctor! Some are my friends!" Her eyes flashed while her tone remained cold, "Others are just, new, temporary, patients." She quirked an eyebrow to emphasize her next statement, "I help them! Regardless of their status in my social diary or my personal social scene."
Gray had no concern about dropping her in hot water, as he was sure it would help his plan. Gray looked over at Lucy and Jenny. They kind-of smiled at him, as if they were supporting Regan's outburst. Gray's lips quirked and turn his gaze to Regan as he said, "Perhaps." Gray was fairly certain Regan did not want this story to get out. Especially here, with these two witness. Regan frowned, knew that pause was just for impact. And his statement delivered that knock-down-punch, "But you don't roll in the mud with them!" Gray told her airily, pleased with his delivery of this particular bomb. Gray was sure that bomb would unsettle her and no doubt it would rattle her friends.
Lucy's and Jenny's eyes went wide with surprise. Regan's cheeks went red.
"That was an accident!" She reminded him. He shrugged his shoulders, used his index finger to rub at a spot on the corner of his mouth. Regan pouted, and reiterated, "It was an accident."
"Accident?" He looked over at Lucy and Jenny. They looked utterly bemused. He returned his gaze to Regan and noticed that her eyes were flashing at him in anger. That action was new to him. And he was so thrilled to see that. Obviously smashed through her wall. The question now, is how to ensure that wall remains low. "In any case, you enjoyed the roll in the mud with me!" He said and she glared. "If I remember correctly, according to you, I have a terrific physique." He said somewhat droll, while his eyes remained alert for her response. He continued as if he was having a normal conversation with his friends, "Apparently, ten out of ten!" He watched her eyes and saw exactly when she acknowledged that he had remembered her words, verbatim. He was pleased with the fact that his statements were still rocking Regan's equanimity.
Lucy and Jenny were rapt as they listened to his statements and they were equally interested in Regan's eyes, because her eyes showed she was rattled.
Gray continued with charming smile, "You said I was gorgeous!"
Lucy and Jenny's eyes widened again. Was not expecting this entertainment. And not with these particular performers!
"You didn't tell us that!" Lucy folded her arms and smiled at Regan. Jenny looked somewhat wistful.
Regan glanced at her friends and saw their reaction.
That was the trouble, she'd come to realize, he was deliberately using this situation, with Lucy and Jenny as witness, to suit his purpose. "For goodness sake! I told him the truth!"
"The truth?" Lucy smirked in suprise.
Regan stated firmly, "Yes! Most women would be happy to go on a date with him."
"No offence, Gray. I would not go out on a date with you. Not my type!" Jenny beamed. Perhaps all was not lost, but she was concerned about Gray's strategy.

RomanceLove is the glue: it makes people want to keep their commitment to someone, no matter what happens, just a shame that Regan and Gray's relationship was based upon agreed commitment but trust, honesty and openness was missing from the start. Commitme...