Part 97

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Eyes still engaged, he slowly lowered his head. She instinctively licked her lips and closed her eyes. Her lips parted with a breath of anticipation, as his lips made contact with hers. A simple, brief touch, was beyond special. She saw glimpses of heaven He disengaged, and her eyelashes fluttered open and her gaze locked with his. Messages exchanged without talk.

"Ok?" He asked gently. He wanted to be sure. That she wanted this. That he had not misunderstood her signals. She nodded. "Yes." She said softly and her voice carried utter pleasure.

She saw the satisfaction, and the delight, in his eyes. For a fleeting second he stopped and recorded this moment in his mind for eternity. She was looking at him as if he was the treasure. Not just appreciation, real optimism. His gaze swept her face, saw the hope, the desire, and longing. The passion in her gaze mirrored his feelings.

In his eyes she saw promises that she had only imagined. He gently cupped her head, his eyes promising Eden, and he lowered his head. His lips brushed temptingly along hers. Kept the stroke gentle and tender. The caress was gentle but the impact was seismic. Took sensitive to sensual. The simple fusion of two mouths was delicate and tantalising. How could something so gentle, so tender, so soft could be so intense?

Was it the fact that their passion, their feelings, their wishes, their wants had been stored? So now, it was released with wildness and recklessness. No sign of restraint. The kiss was uncontrollable. He broke away, giving them a chance to restock their oxygen. A few milliseconds later, a bare inch from her lips, he opened his eyes. He gulped, a mixture of anticipation and pride, seeing the flush on her face, from a simple kiss. He waited for her to open her eyes.

Her pupils were dilated. Her lips were plump from his kiss. Her cheeks were flushed. Her breath hitched when she recognised his intentions. Using her eyes, she signalled her response, and moistened her lips with her tongue. Gray leaned in and resumed the kiss. A breath of touch, as their lips met. And their hearts boomed. His lips caressed and stroked her lips. Tormenting and tantalising. Slowly, breathing erratically, she broke away. Took a breath. Her own breathing was erratic. His heart was thundering. Regan could hear her pulse when Gray snagged an arm around her waist and she angled her head. Cupped his head between her palms and she reached forward to reignite the kiss. A mixture of courage, cherishing, eagerness and anticipation. Slowly, he accelerated their kiss. Gentle and demanding. Her purr was muffled by his lips, as pleasure roared through her veins. The taste of her on his lips was firmly engraved in his mind. But she could barely remember who she was!

His breathing was fast. He wasn't expecting this craving from a simple kiss. Wanting exploded. He was really trying to hold on to his control. But it escaped. His composure vanished like a mist.

With his arms banded across, she arched against him as the simple kiss detonated. Her tongue took his tongue into her mouth. Nerves erupted in pure pleasure. Her lips were glued to his, while their tongues mated with abandon. The taste, the touch, the feeling was pure, unrivalled enchantment. His lips teasing, coaxing, tasting. Her tongue playing, probing, licking. He tried not to take over the kiss. But soon, he thought as his tongue fenced with her tongue. Pure heady pleasure rolled in.

Gratification. Bloomed. His control was shot to smithereens and emotions raced through him with indulgent abandon. His arms tightened around her. Satisfaction was a tame word for his feelings. He lifted his head, and saw her lips were swollen, from their kisses. Ripples of utter contentment surged through him. He could not stop the smile as he recognised the conquest but did not know who exactly was conquered and who was the conqueror. She opened her eyes and found him watching her. She slick her tongue over her lips, and heard the moan, and only just registered it was not her moan. She licked her lips again, and was delighted to find it had the same impact on him. Her eyes sent a message, challenging him. He immediately recognised her summons. His left hand cupped the back of her head, his arm banded around her back, holding her in position for his kisses. Heady with utter delight, she giggled as she recognised her power. Her arms were trapped between their bodies and it allowed her to feel his heart.

Over and over, their lips secured and unclamped, only for him to sweep his tongue into her mouth. There was something about a simple fusion of lips that took them from ordinary to spectacular. Furthermore it promised heaven. And the simple kiss was testament of no inhibition. No embarrassment. No reticence. It promised ecstasy. Returning time and time again, to her swollen lips, only for him to sweep his tongue into her mouth. His arm around her back tightened, reduced the gap between their bodies to nothing. Fused, plastered together, his erection was obvious.

He broke away, opened his eyes and waited for her to open her eyes. His breathing was irregular, as if he had run a marathon at light speed. "Ok?"

She knew what he was asking. She licked her lips and nodded.

He mumbled against her ear, "Are you sure?" He asked softly, "Your call." His breath was hitched as he asked again. "I can usually control my lust."

Regan's eyes went wide, "Lust?" She whispered. This was not just lust. Not for her, at least. This was love.

He shook his head, "No. Not lust." His eyes tracked her eyes, hoped she would recognised his feelings. "Do you want us to carried on?"

She nodded again, just in case he missed her yielding, she breathing a husky response, "Yes."

He wrapped an arm around her waist and his other hand was at her shoulder. He said quietly, with a sparkle in his eyes, "We both know we are going to end up in bed, today." He knew a gentle kiss had heated his blood.

Once again that breathless whisper, laced with eagerness, "I hope so." No discretion. No shyness. She knew what she wanted. She freed her arms and rested them on his shoulder. Then moved her arms until she could lace her fingers behind his neck. Her eyes open, he could read her command.

Gray smiled. He was right. No reserve, no reticence would have amazing consequences. She smiled in response. She was right. Sincerity, honesty and directness nurture incredible outcomes.

Regan looked up at him and the invitation in her eyes was simple to read. Gray all but howled with satisfaction and delight. Seeing that reaction in his eyes, happiness raced through her system.

Gray lowered his head, until his lips barely brushed against her mouth. Tenderly he kissed her and it was devastating. His tongue stroked her lower lip. Her lips parted. It changed the kiss tempo. He thrust his tongue deeply into her mouth and her tongue matched the tantalising force of his tongue. One arm acting as a headrest for her head, his other hand stroked her hips, her thighs her ass. He feasted on her lips for minutes before his lips burnt a pathway along her neck, past her jaw and back to her lips. She felt her legs begin to buckle. They tasted each other. Tormented each other and drove each other to the brink of delirious.

They broke away, opened their eyes, panting hard. Gray looked down and she looked up. Realisation and enchantment: Seeing that his reaction was reflected her eyes, seeing her happiness was mirrored in his eyes. Apprehension and consciousness of mutual love Comprehension brought delight, satisfaction and relief in equal measures. Realisation that this relationship was more. Really more, more than anything they imagined.  

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