Last night was amazing. They had talked until Sam returned to the house, which was just before midnight. It was obvious to Sam, that something had changed. For a start, when he approached the kitchen he heard Regan laughing at Gray's corny joke, and Sam smiled. He was sure he would tell Lucy about this development, tomorrow.
Sam was tempted to leave Gray and Regan in the kitchen, but unfortunately for him, and for Regan and Gray, they heard his approach because of a squeaky floorboard in the hallway. Which is why Gray called out to his grandparent and teased him about trying to sneak past because he missed his curfew! Gray was sure, his night might have another conclusion, if his grandfather had not materialised at that particular time. Because Regan used Sam's return to excuse her, and coupled with the fact she was doing the early shift in the centre, she left Sam with Gray in the kitchen. On the other side of the kitchen door, Regan heard Sam asking his grandson if he had a good evening, and smiled when she heard Gray's reply: It was perfect.
Destiny managed to keep them out of each other's path for just under a day because they missed each other at breakfast and Regan was working the early day shift. After she finished her shift, around three, she went to see Lucy. Regan wanted to talk to Gray, because he had been on her mind throughout the day, but she wanted to talk to Lucy, just to see if she had mis-read the signals or embellished last night's event.
Regan told Lucy about the dinner last night, which Lucy knew about because Sam phoned her earlier this day to share his views. Regan told Lucy about the changes in her chats with Gray and the way it made her feel. And Lucy's advice was to have a straightforward, candid, blunt chat with Gray about her feelings, about the dinner, and the man in particular. But Regan was not sure she had the confidence to do that so it took Lucy over three hours to persuade Regan to go back, and Regan promised she would find Gray and have that chat.
Regan left her car at the front of the house, and before she lost her courage, she headed for the shed. She shoved her hands into her pockets, and rehearsed her spiel, which had been prepared by her and Lucy! She muttered to herself, closed her eyes and turned around. This is silly, she thought as she marched to her car, as she lost her confidence. She reached her car when Lucy's voice materialised in her brain calling her a quitter. She shook her head quickly. She blew out a long steady stream of air and closed her eyes and re-gathered her confidence. So she turned around again. As she walked towards the shed, she kept her head down, and muttered to herself, trying to pull herself together before she reached the shed. This would not work, was the statement in her brain. But it was not helped by the fact her heart was giddy. She was hoping that she wouldn't bump into anyone on the way to the shed, as that would definitely siphon her confidence. You need time to pull yourself together, her brain told her. So again, she turned around and walked steadily toward her car. If anyone was watching her, they would wonder about her mental health. She just reached her car when she heard her phone and she automatically reached for her bag, and retrieved her phone.
Not surprisingly, it was Lucy! Lucy's first question was "Where are you, Regan?"
"At home." She mumbled, knowing what to expect from Lucy.
"Which means you have been there for at least five minutes!" Lucy threw a hand in the air, and rolled her eyes, but it had no impact, as Regan was not around to see her gestures.
Regan scowled at her phone. "Yes, so what?"
"We talked about this! I know you!" Lucy teased. Then tacked on, "Coward," accompanied with chicken's clucks.
"If this is your pep talk..."
"You know he will be in the shed at this moment. Stop stalling, so have that bloody conversation right now! We rehearsed your statements! So what are you doing in your car!"

RomansaLove is the glue: it makes people want to keep their commitment to someone, no matter what happens, just a shame that Regan and Gray's relationship was based upon agreed commitment but trust, honesty and openness was missing from the start. Commitme...