For several seconds they just gazed. Restocking their oxygen reserve. His eyes issued a question and saw her response in her eyes. With no talk, she unfastened a couple of buttons on her blouse. She did not know his hand had moved from the indent of her waist, until his fingers stalled her fingers, "My job, I think." Gray whispered and continued to undo the remaining buttons on her blouse. Then his hands snuck beneath her blouse, pulled at it, until it was released from the waistband of her trousers. Slowly he parted her blouse, peeled her blouse off her shoulder and she shrugged off her blouse, and let it fall. She stood in front of him, with her arms at her side, bit her lower lip and her eyes asked a question. She licked her lips, her chest raising and falling as he took inventory.
"You are so beautiful, Regan." Gray whispered. She was stunning. Utterly beautiful.
"So are you." Regan said with a smile. "I meant, ruggedly handsome."
Gray chuckled softly. "No, I'm not."
"Yes you are!" She scowled. "You are magnificent!"
He used his fingers to caress her cheek, and "No, Regan, I don't meet the requisite for handsome. Extensive scars kind of make the concept redundant."
She shook her head, and she traced one scar on his shoulder, then used the network of scars to trail the scars on his chest, grazed one nipple and was ecstatic when his nipple hardened and heard him inhale.
Her fingers re-tracked upwards, and moved to his face, her fingers grazed his chin, brushed his lower lip and said, "I think scars are mandatory, actually essential to be called ruggedly handsome." He smiled. She said in a whisper, " And I do not like chocolate-box-handsome!" He took her finger into his mouth and sucked. She breathed out and he could see the impact in her eyes.
He released her finger and said, "Good!" He slowly reached forward. Eyes wide open, his lips skimmed her lips. A simple touch. And they were bombarded by sheer, undiluted, desire. Thoughts fled. Pure, absolute passion took over. Everything in their system was now run by desire.
He loved her responses to simple pleasure and it bode well for their future. Utter pleasure from just kissing, and it was nothing like he had ever experience. Just kissing. Albeit his tongue was now signalling the act he craved. Moist heat. She was moaning deep in her throat. Delightful, he thought as he recognised her purr: a purr with heat. Their tongues tangled in frenzied.
The pads of his fingers skimmed along her side. Touching bare skin resulted in flashes of lightning. His fingers caressed the indent of her waist, his pads still registering sparks. One hand cupped the back of her head. The kiss deepened, as she registered his fingers, his touch, his tongue, his lips. Seconds later, his fingers cupped her breast, his palm massaging her nipple through her bra. With one hand massaging her breast, the hand at the back of her head moved to remove her bra, and struggled.
Kissing was temporarily stalled. The disengaged, and they both undressed with haste. He was faster by a few seconds, had stripped down to his boxer shorts, waited for her to step away from her trousers on bedroom floor and just reached for her. He lifted her into his arms, and strode to her bed. He placed her on her bed, and for a few seconds, he just looked. He remembered the way they had moved, and the promise seen in those kisses. All of his senses roared into life. He could sense her musk. "Exquisite." He said, his tracked her from the top of her head to her feet and back. "Fuck, Regan, you gorgeous." He whispered, when he joined her on her bed. Regan shuffled backwards, giving him space on her bed. She reached for him and drew him closer.
His lips returned to her swollen lips. Wonderful, delicious, ride as he traced her face with his lips and tongue. A few moments later, his fingers traced a path between her breasts, to her stomach to the junction of her thighs and back. His fingers cupped her breast, and his thumb grazed her nipple. She moaned. He chuckled in victory. One simple act, his fingers pinching her nipple, was like flicking a switch, and her body geared up. Nipples rigid now and the tussle between their tongues, was out control. The roll on the bed, resulting in Gray being on top. Enthralling, she purred deep in her throat and with her hands free, her fingers stroked his back, moving slowly towards his boxer short waistband. Her fingers ignore the barrier and snuck beneath the material and both hands caressed his bum cheeks, cupped his bum and urged him on.
Both drove each other, higher and higher. From the top of his head to the soles of his feet, he felt her. Sinewy muscled carved out from his work on the farm he rolled them again, with her now on top. His thumbs beneath the waist of her knickers he removed her knickers albeit with her help as she kicked them off. He again rolled them, with her legs apart, he kneeled between her legs, he shucked off his boxer short. Her eyes, molten with desire, she licked her lips. The fire in her eyes consumed him and he groaned. Immediately they were anchored from chest to hip. The last few minutes were nothing like any other of his previous sex experiences.
He pressed his fingers at the junction of her thighs. It took the gentle ache between her legs to breath-taking scorching. The clamminess between her legs helped him as he inserted his fingers into her damp folds and his thumb rubbed against her nub of nerves. She screamed and her screams were confined by their kiss. His fingers and thumb continued, relinquished control, just aided with pure desire and previous experience. His fingers remained at her crotch stroking hard and fast, and his mouth changed venue. Kiss her chin, her neck, the slope of her breast, and his tongue tenderly circled her nipple, before his teeth caught and tugged. She screamed again. Fireworks went off. Several minutes later, he stopped his fingers and thumb, and her eyes flashed open, molten with desire, demanding consummation. He was trying to hold on to his control. Breathing hard, he moved his fingers to cupped her jaw, brushed against her skin, her scent on his fingers, her musk on his thumb, he asked, "Ready?"
She breathed out, her eyes alight with animation and vibrancy, "Yes."
He planted soft kisses against her cheek, her eyelids, her lips, as he slowly fitted himself to her. His erection was barely lodge within her folds, when he whispered, his eyes with joie de vivre, "Hold on!"
And the kiss exploded. His tongue imitating the gentle thrust of his erection, his hips grounding against her. Her fingers grasped her bed sheet, grabbed a fist of material as she was pummelled towards the headboard of her bed, but then her fingers released the material and returned to his back, grabbing his shoulder, holding on to him, as penetration was blistering tight and utterly marvellous. Encouraged by her moans and pleas he continued to pump albeit with more exquisite force, which was absolutely fantastic. Her breath caught, with unreservedly delight. No pain because her body accommodated his girth.
They made love like wild animals. The force of his thrust had her moving up on her bed. And she wanted more, so she intuitively clenched, he pulled out, then drove higher, and she milked him dry. Her endless husky scream and his guttural scream merged. He continued to plunge in and out and they came at the same time.

RomanceLove is the glue: it makes people want to keep their commitment to someone, no matter what happens, just a shame that Regan and Gray's relationship was based upon agreed commitment but trust, honesty and openness was missing from the start. Commitme...