Part 77

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Much to her annoyance mingled with her appreciation she realised he did an overnight at her place. In any case she was in no fit state to insist he goes. So, as a consequence she found herself waking up several times during the night to find him camped in a chair by her bed. The instant she opened her eyes, he was awake. He'd put the soup in a flask by the bed, and at every opportunity he insisted she have something to drink and made some attempt to have some soup.

It was obvious his grandfather and Loretta stopped by and brought Gray a change of clothing, and brought groceries for Regan. From the conversation she overheard him have with his grandfather in the morning, it was obvious that he'd seen to dairy herd on the first morning and Gray would continue to overseeing his own farm work, but hoped that his grandfather could stay with her and he would return in the evening to do the milking.

Lucy also phone in the morning seeking an update about Regan's status. Lucy said she was on her way back, and was at the airport and would be there by mid-afternoon. When Lucy reached Regan's place she had no real plans, she had a couple of days before she had to leave for another assignment. So she was really pleased when she saw Sam at Regan's place and learned about the plans.

Sam explained their tentative plans, he was helped with the milking for the first two days doing the early morning, and Gray hope to do the evening sessions, but he hoped his grandson would find a worker who could do a few hours here. Sam also explained that Regan was not expecting them to stay with her, and she was really cross when Gray stayed over last night and was adamant that he should not stay tonight. "Too much pride." Sam said.

"I will talk to her." Lucy said firmly. "Thanks for doing this." She knew that Sam did not drive. "Do you want me to drop you off at your place?"

Sam shook his head and smiled. "No. No need. Gray will be here soon. I can go with him back to our place. He will do the evening milking." He looked at the clock on the wall. "Just waiting for his arrival. I think he said he would be here by six."

"Ok. Anyway, thanks." She smiled. Lucy kissed his cheek. "Thanks for looking out for Regan."

His smiled vanished. "We did not look out for her. We should have stayed here. I saw her bedroom now, and compared with our bedrooms when we lived here, well, I feel really bad. She went into debt for us."

"That is not actually true. Well, part of it." Lucy said gently. "I am not sure if you know, but she inherited debts from her parents, and this farm was also in trouble before you came here." Lucy sighed. "I think her plan was to renovate this place, but at a more reasonable rate."

"And we forced the rate. Stocked with sheep and dairy and beef. And she renovated our bedrooms despite the fact she had no spare money."

"Yes. Sort of." She chuckled softly. "And I tried to use the same argument with her, that Gray had forced the progress because he wanted it, but she said she got more from this. Got an experienced manager without paying him the proper wages! And the farm was up running."

"I knew there was something wrong. She was always working. And if Gray wanted to talk to her about the farm, spending mainly, she ducked! I thought she was upset because he was dating Caro."

"What do you mean?" Lucy frowned.

"I thought she might be jealous of Caro?" Sam said bluntly, hoping to see if Regan's friend knew anything about this.

"What? You think she fancies your grandson?"

"Well, she was very kind to Gray."

"Regan is always kind!"

Sam shrugged. "Yes. True." He shrugged again. "I must have got it wrong."

Lucy hesitated. "You know what, I am going to ask her!" She smiled. "Not right at the moment, but I will ask her! Preferably with my mum around, because Regan would never lie in front of my mum!" She chuckled. Sam chuckled. "Anyway, I best go and see her. Again, thanks. And pass on my thanks to Gray."

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