Part 100

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Three months later, they were in her bedroom, their clothes strewn on her bedroom room and her bedroom's walls had new wallpaper. And sex was still intense and superb!

Slowly, lethargically, he rocked within her. He felt her response and knew they were a long way from over. Tenderly, they stroked and caressed each other. Simple touches came with fireworks. Linking fingers, his thumbs grazing her mount of Venus, the flexing and squashing reflected the upsurge, awaiting climax.

It was several minutes later that he eased off her. Her legs, which were wrapped around his back to unlock him from her, she unlocked her heels and her legs crumpled, in abandonment. She lay spread-eagled on the bed, her chest rising and falling, contained by the fact he was beached on her front! She sighed with bliss. She loved the fact their sex bouts always resulted in him resting on her!

Their sweat-slicked bodies came back to reality slowly. Their hearts were still racing. His chest felt her heart, as it thumped in getting her strength back. He could not help the smile of gratification. Her heart told him, she was in the same state, and was exhausted. Albeit that their exhaustion came with utter bliss, and led to paradise. Delight roared through his blood.

Sex was fabulous. Didn't matter where. The time was irrelevant. The fact it was just the two: Regan and Gray. For them, having sex was to ensure the other was loving the experience. No moderation, no restraint, just having the best encounter.

He found the energy to roll off. Gray was on his back, staring blanking at the ceiling. Regan could see, from the side of her eye, he was still panting. Proud, she smiled.

"You ok?" She could help the smile in her voice.

"Yeah." He murmured. And she could hear the smile in that word.

She grinned.

A minute later, used to their random conversations after sex, she started with, "Do you like the new wallpaper?" She was still on her back, and brought her legs together, now that Gray had rolled off her, she looked at the top of the wall in front of her.

His mind was elsewhere. "What?" Having sex, everyday, had not lost the intensity and the desire.

"The wallpaper?" Regan chuckled recognised the fact he was still recovering. "You chose it, remember." Her eyes tracked over the pattern on the wallpaper. Subtle, but the wallpaper had brightened the room. But it also showed her furniture was really dated.

"Yes." He propped his elbows in the mattress, lifted his head, he glanced at the wallpaper on the wall closer to the bed.

"It was finished today, courtesy of Lore and her friends." She giggled as she watched him drop his head back onto the bed, obviously still worn out! "I assumed you would have noticed it when you came into the bedroom."

"I think my attention was kidnapped by you!" He mumbled, and turned his head, and his eyes met her eyes. He had plans, but was not sure he had enough energy to carry out his plans right now. He inhaled. Definitely had to restock his oxygen.

She giggled, turned her head and looked at him, "Me?"

He grinned, "Yes! You!" He inhaled. "I barely pushed the door open, and you started stripping off, when I stepped into your bedroom." He grinned as that image resurfaced. "You ambushed me!"

She chuckled. "I wasn't stripping!" She rolled onto her side and was facing him. He quirked an eyebrow. She chuckled again, "I was just changing from my work clothes to home clothes, when you appeared! Just a coincidence."

He rolled onto his side, planted his elbow on the mattress, and propped his head on his palm. He grinned. "Indeed!"

"Yes." She grinned.

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