A week later after being signed off on sick leave, Regan wondered whether she should just bid him good day, and go to her car without picking up her lunch, and avoid him. Coward, her heart said, sensible, her head told her. Her pulse started racing when she noticed he was heading toward the house, not the shed, and now that he was in the kitchen, she was practically a mess. Amazing how her poise was destabilized by his presence. After that amazing evening, when he kissed her, twice, and said he would take up the offer in her eyes, when she was better. She was better now. He had not come to the farm yesterday, either to do the morning or the evening shift or even just popped over to see her. Sam had passed on a message, explaining why Gray was not there, and while Regan accepted it on face value, the more she thought about it, he obvious had changed his mind.
"Hey." He called as he opened the back door. "I heard you are working today." He knew she would go back to work as soon as possible.
Gray tipped his head and feigned some measure of contemplation, when he noticed she was avoiding his eyes. "I think you should stay at home!"
" I do not want to find you in heap on the floor this evening." He said with a rueful smile.
"Then don't visit!" From the window she could see her car. Perhaps she could just leave, right now and avoid any arguments.
Noted her glance at her car. She was so transparent. Gray challenged with a smile, "Coward?" as he watched her.Regan knew she was pragmatic but being railroaded into staying at home as a consequence of his taunting smile, was not going to happen!
She sounded prim "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Meeting Bob."
"Oh" She frowned, "Anything else?" She ignored his presence. Which was a lie given her heart was hammering. She wasn't the drooling type. But seeing him, really rattled her heart. She huffed silently and she was relieved when she heard Bob's car. "Now, if there is nothing else, I have to make by sandwiches."
"What time do you finish your shift today?" He had hoped to be here yesterday, check on her, but there was a critical problem at his work, which needed his presence. Bob did the morning shift and Sam and Lore's boyfriend came for the evening shift. He knew Sam had passed his message to Regan, about the unforeseen problem at the farm, and Sam thought she had accepted the reason well, no tantrum in sight!
She tipped her head the barest inch, but it made her chin come up, and he could see she was not happy with his question? "None of your business."
He grinned, braced on the door jamb. He waited a beat and then added, with more than a hint of demand and quiet assurance, "Regan, either you tell me your shift time, or I phone your work and will suggest you stay at home now!"
"Fine. You do that." She opened the fridge, took out the cheese and margarine. She wasn't being difficult. She just wanted to make sure he understood, all the ground rules from the outset from this skirmish. "As I said, thank you for your help. I also explained to you, and my employers, that it was just a stomach upset." She place the carton on the table and went to the drawer to collect a knife. "And again, thank you for stocking up pantry. Just leave the receipts and I will reimburse you."
"I did not see this before?" He banked his smile.
"What?" Regan did her best not to snap the word out but her action spreading margarine on the bread showed her exasperation.
"Bolshie woman! Headstrong!" He shrugged as if he was considering various other adjectives, "Kind, a touch aloof, but had not registered the obstinate, reckless...

RomanceLove is the glue: it makes people want to keep their commitment to someone, no matter what happens, just a shame that Regan and Gray's relationship was based upon agreed commitment but trust, honesty and openness was missing from the start. Commitme...