Chapter 1

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Hey, this is my first fan-fic so it's not the best, but I'm trying to get better. 

This story starts with me, Kara Danvers. I was the happiest person on Earth when I met her, Lena Luthor. We were happy but then her mother had to ruin it. We haven't talked in years but I got a message from Diana, our old teacher about a reunion. We all agreed to go, including Lena. It's been 7 years since we last saw each other, and I'm still hopelessly in love with her. I don't know what I'm going to do.

"Kara Danvers to the office, Kara Danvers to the office" Miss. Prince announced over the intercom. Alex looks at me while I gather my things and leaves the classroom. I walk down the long empty hallway with my hands in my pockets and then when I get to the office door I open it to a tall, bald man in a suit and a green-eyed girl standing to his left. When I look to my left she sees the principal Miss. Grant smirking at a flustered Miss. Prince. When I turn back to the girl, I see her staring at me and I blushed. I see the girl smirking. Miss. Grant looks over to me and says "Kara Danvers, meet Lena Luthor and her brother Lex Luthor." Lex smiles and puts his hand out. I take it and shakes. "Ah, firm hand you got there Danvers," he says. I smile and look over at Lena, who is smiling at me. I smile widely back. "Kara, Lena is a new student here at National High. I would like you to give her a tour" Miss. Grant explains. I nod and look to Lena "Welcome to National High Lena!" I exclaim. Lena nods and looks to the ground. Lex nudges her and she fixes her posture and smiles "Thank you" Lex nods approvingly. "Well, Miss. Danvers thank you for being so kind to Lena. I know that ever since our mother has gone to jail we have been outcasts so thank you." Lex says. I only smile and say "I believe people should be judged on their actions, not their families" He nods approvingly again but towards me and I glance at Lena who is smiling at me. "Well, I have to get to work, you know. I gotta run the business." Lex laughs. Lena nods and Lex smiles and then leaves. I look at Lena and say "Hey, Im Kara Danvers... well, I guess you know that but I wanted to formally introduce myself cause that's polite, and yeah well..." I adjust my glasses and chuckle awkwardly. Lena just nods and says "Well, nice to meet you, Kara Danvers. I'm Lena Luthor" I just stare at her in awe, her voice is beautiful. She shifts uncomfortably and I say "oh my gosh, sorry. It's just your voice is so pretty" I gush and she blushes. "Thank you" she muttered. I smile widely back and then start showing her around. "So, this is the science classroom, Mr.Snapper teaches it. He doesn't like me very much because I'm not doing very well." I explain. Lena nods and says "Well, I am great at science so if you need help" I smile widely and pull her into a hug, she tenses at first but then leans into me. When we pull away, I am smiling and she turns a light shade of red. "Okay, next is English, and the brown-haired lady, Diana, well Miss. Prince to you teaches this and The Glee Club." I say. Lena raises an eyebrow and I fell my knees getting weak. "What is... The Glee Club?" she asks. "Oh, the Glee Club is a group of kids that sing and do competitions," I explain. She nods and says "And where do you join this, Glee Club?" I smile and say "Well, I can introduce you to my sister Alex. She is in the Glee Club with her girlfriend, Sam and our friends Winn and Mike! They should be able to tell you" I say. She nods and smiles. "And why are you not in the Glee Club?" She asks me. "Well, I play soccer and I don't sing anyway." I lied, I can sing but not in front of people. She nods and frowns a little. I show her the rest of our classes and introduce her to all of our teachers. She is really lucky that Mr.Snapper likes her because if he didn't she would hate his class. 

Pls leave comments and suggestions on how to make the story better and please give me advice, I need it! Thank you have an awesome day!

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