Chapter 20

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Lena and I giggle and then go outside together, hand in hand. We sit on the bleachers and then a few seconds later, the rest of the Glee Club come running over towards us. We are all on the bleachers now and then we all start talking about how amazing the dance was. A few minutes later, we decided we wanted to go home. We drove back to our house and then went to the living room after changing into pajamas. We were watching Disney movies and then Eliza asked me to take out the trash, I groan and then ask them to pause the movie. They do and then I take the bag of trash towards the trash can but then I felt the most painful thing I've ever felt, but wait. I've felt this once before, I see the glowing stick of kryptonite in my shoulder. Oh my gosh! We were so worried about prom we forgot about the person who shot me. I got hit again in the leg, I scream in pain and before I know it I'm being pushed into a van, hearing screams from Lena and Alex.

We were just watching Disney movies and then we were all chatting as Kara took out the trash, we heard the most agonizing scream and we rushed outside. I saw Kara being pushed into a van and I started screaming her name "Kara! Kara! No! Leave her alone!" I am getting help back by Sam and Alex. "No! Kara Come Back!" I fall to my knees crying. I remember Eliza rushing outside with Winn and Mike behind her. She runs towards me and hugs me. Then I stopped crying, it was time to find Kara. I stood up, brushing Eliza off me. They stare at me, "Barry!" I yell. He runs towards me, "yes?" he asked me. "Can you find Kara?" I ask him. He nods and then I say "Please" he nods again and then a flash of light and he is gone. He came back half an hour later, with nothing. I spend the next week at Alex and Kara's house trying to find her, I know it's my mom. She broke out of prison that same night and now is ruining my life. I am tired and hungry but ignore it. Alex walks towards me and says "hey wanna eat something?" I scoff and say "no, I'll eat when Kara is found. You should be more worried I mean your sister is missing." she nods and then walks away. Sam comes next "if your gonna try and make me eat or sleep, don't bother," I say. She nods and sits there, staring at me. I stop what I'm doing and look at her "What?" I ask. She says "Kara would want you to eat" I get enraged at that comment "Kara. Kara wants to be home, needs to be home. You don't get to speak for her! She can speak for herself when I find her!" I yell. Sam looks at me with pity "oh don't look at me like that! Kara is gone! Kidnapped! It was my mom! I knew that anyone I got close too was in danger but I did it anyway! It's all my fault" I breakdown. I sink to the floor and start crying. Sam sits next to me and hugs me. "It's not your fault Lena" I cry harder. I feel more arms wrap around me, and soon six pairs of arms are around me. We all cry and hug each other. Then I realized where Kara was. I gasp and they all pull away and look at me. I smile and they all look at me like I'm crazy. "I know where she is!" I exclaim. "Where?" Alex asks. "The Luthor mansion," Alex tells Eliza and soon enough we are at the place that Kara was when she got shot the first time. There are agents everywhere and they had guns. I was scared and hoped Kara wouldn't get hurt.

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