Chapter 4

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Alex POV-

Lena just asked what happened freshman year and we all cringe at the memory. So I speak up "Well, basically Kara got in the talent show but when she got up there everyone started boo-ing her because she was getting bullied. So she ran off the stage crying and hasn't performed since. But hearing her sing with you, Lena was the first time I've heard her sing in three years." I say. Sam has her arm wrapped around me, while Winn and Mike are nodding in agreement. 


I can't believe I just performed, its been years! It was amazing to be able to sing again. And it was with Lena too, which makes it even better! I loved singing with her and at the end when our eyes met, it was like she was the only thing that mattered. She is so beautiful and kind. I love her eyes, and her perfectly raised eyebrow and her jawline, and lips, oh those lips how I'd love to kiss- Kara! Stop it! Your gay is showing! When I hear Diana say "I really would wish you'd join Kara" and everyone agreed, I honestly was considering it, until I remember freshman year. Everyone booed me and it was humiliating. So that's what I said "guys I can't. Remember what happened in freshman year?" Everyone frowns except Lena and then I remembered "crap! I forgot about soccer!" I run off and when I get to the field I'm met with Lucy Lane, the literal worst coach ever! "Your late Danvers, where were you?" I roll my eyes and say "I was showing around the new kid, she wanted to join the Glee Club" I explain, she scoffs and walks away. Besides I was only 10 minutes late, they haven't done anything but warm up. Then we start to practice! We were running and sweating and I was getting tired. But then I felt a burst of energy and then ran super (hehe) fast and scored. When I turned around everyone was staring at me in awe. "Where did that burst of energy come from Danvers, and how did you run so fast?" Lucy asks. "I don't know coach, I guess I just had some energy pent up," I say. She nods and then says "again" I was goaly this time and after the third miss I got angry, so when the ball came next I jumped towards it and kicked it so hard it when over the fence. Everyone watched the ball as it went over the fence. I hear my name being called worriedly "Kara, Kara honey! I need you real quick" I hear Diana yell. I look at the coach and she nods so I run over to Diana. "Come with me hon," she says. I follow her and she is walking fast, so I jog to keep up. When we get to the office, I furrow my eyebrows. We go into Miss. Grants office and when we walk in I see my adoptive mother, Eliza sitting down across from Miss. Grant. "Someone want to tell me what's going on?" I say. Eliza nods and says "Kara I have to tell you something." My eyes widen and I furrow my eyebrows. "Have a seat, Kiera" Miss. Grant says. I sit down and then Eliza starts "So, Kara. You know superman right?" I nod "Well, he's your cousin" I shake my head laughing "that's silly Eliza, he's from Krypton" Eliza looks at me for a while and then I frown "wait, there's no way!" I exclaim. "Kara, calm down" Miss. Grant says. "Calm down! Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down when my mom just told me that I"m from a different planet." I yell and then I hear a crack and when I look down, I see that the arms of the seat are broken, I gasp. "What the hell?" I mutter "Language," Diana says, trying to lighten the mood. "Kara, I know this is scary but you need to know because your powers are kicking in. They started for Clark at this age too." Eliza says. I nod "we are going to line your glasses with led because you have x-ray vision and heat vision. Led makes it so that they don't work until you take them off. And we are going to give you a bracelet lined with kryptonite, that will weaken your powers, so you will still have super strength, be able to fly, well hover but don't do that. And your freeze breath will barely work. It won't hurt you unless there is too much so if it ever hurts tell us so we can use less." Eliza says. I nod and say "who can I tell" not even a beat goes by and then "No one!" Diana, Eliza, and Miss. Grant exclaim. "Alex already knows, she has for a while. She was keeping an eye on you until your powers started to work. And Diana and Cat here have known too, believe it or not, we are friends." Eliza says. I only nod and frown a little. "And my weaknesses?" I ask. "Only kryptonite, but a large amount of it. It will make you human. The little bit that we will use, will make you weaker but won't make you fully human. Just don't use your powers ever. Not in public, not in private" Eliza says. "Why not?" I ask. "People don't like different. They will try to kill you most likely because they think you're a threat to us humans." Cat says. I only nod and frown deeper. "Oh yes, and Lucy Lane. Your coach she knows too but will still treat you like normal." Diana says. I nod and smile a little at that. We all stand up and then walk outside, where Winn, Mike, Alex, Sam, and Lena are waiting. Cat and Diana go to Cat's car, kiss, and then leave. Eliza gets in the driver's seat, Alex in the passenger, Winn, Sam, and Mike all in the back. And then the two seats that are left, one of them is covered in sauce Alex was supposed to clean up the night before. "Oops," Alex says and we all laugh. I turn around and see Lena looking at her phone, frowning and sighing sadly. She starts to walk towards the street to walk home but I run after her, ignoring everyone yelling at me. "Hey, Lee! Where are you going?" I ask her. She blushed at the nic-name and then says "Lex got caught up with work so I'm gonna walk home." She explains smiling. "What? No way! You can ride with us!" I say. She says "No, there is no way, I couldn't impose like that." I grab her shoulders and she shuts up "Lena, its fine. C'mon" I grab her hand and pull her over to Eliza's car. When we are about 15 feet away from the car, I hear them talking about us "They are so cute! Are they together?"Eliza asks. "No, but they should be." Alex says I hear everyone agree. We get to the car and I'm blushing. I sit down and then realize that there are no more seats. Lena shifts awkwardly outside the car and starts to sit down on the floor but I grab her hand and pull her up and she lands on my lap. We both blush hard and I hear Sam, Winn, Mike, and Alex all stifling laughter. "Okay we are all seated let's go," Eliza says and starts driving. I buckle and then put my arms around Lena's waist holding her so she doesn't go flying. When we get to our house, Lena and I start to get up but we get pushed back by Sam, Winn, and Mike racing to get out first. I fall into the back and Lena lands on top of me, her lips so close I feel her breath on mine. My eyes flicker to her lips and when I look up she's staring at mine. We start to lean in a little and then got scared by a loud knock on the window. It was Alex and then Lena pushed off of me, blushing. I sit up blushing too and then we get out of the car. 

Little Supercorp moment there at the end

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