Chapter 12

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I laid my head on Lena's after she put her head on my shoulder and then we just cuddle. Diana said the "surprise" dance she forgot about was this Friday, Winn, Mike, Alex, and Sam all kissed which isn't surprising since they are together, and probably going to go together. I heard Lena's heart and breaths pick up with my "super" hearing. Okay, so I might've memorized her normal heartbeat the first day I learned about my powers, in the car. I blush at the memory and then think as to why she is freaking out. Oh my gosh! What if she's gonna ask me! I can't ask her, she doesn't like me like that, right? Or maybe she does like me and is freaking out because she is figuring out how to ask me in such a short time! I smile at the thought and settle with that. I snuggle into her more and her heartbeat slows back to normal. We hear the bell ring and then we all go outside. "Kiera! Come here! Quickly" Cat yelled at me. I run over to her. "Yes Ma'am?" She groans "Don't call me that, Im, not an old lady" I nod. "Well, anyway, I wanted to tell you that since this dance is coming up, grow a pair and ask Luthor already. It's obvious she likes you and you like her so just ask her already." I blush, nod, and then go to the car. This time, Winn, Alex, and Sam are in the back. " Seriously? I have to sit with the lesbians?" Winn complains. We all laugh at him while he pouts. "Aww Winn don't kid yourself, the pout only works with Kara," Alex says. Mike is sitting in the front with Eliza. Lena sits in the left seat, behind Eliza and I sit in the right, behind Mike. When we get home, once again Alex, Winn, and Sam rush to get out, pushing me on top of Lena. We are close again, so I decide to shoot my shot and lean in. Mike screamed so we jumped back and look over to see Alex and Sam chasing him around. I groan and help Lena out of the car. We go inside and sit down on the couch after we all calmed down. Winn and Mike sit on the sofa together, while Sam and Alex sit on the other one together. The only chair left is a one-seater, they did this on purpose. Alex is smirking while the rest of them are holding in laughs. I sit down and when Lena goes to sit on the floor, I grab her hand and she twists around. "You're not sitting on the floor Lee," I say, she looks around and then back at me raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and pull her on my lap. She leans into me and I wrap my arms around her waist. Everyone else's eyes bulge out of their skulls when they watched me do that. 

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