Chapter 5

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We go inside and Eliza gets snacks out from the fridge and we all start diving in. Lena is texting and then I can see everything, It is Lex and she's telling him where she is and what she's doing with her new friends! Yay! We are all friends! Eliza clears her throat when she sees me smiling at Lena's phone. I look at her and she nods her head, telling me to come to the living room with her. I stand up and follow her. She turns around and hands me new glasses, and a brown bracelet with green flowing down the middle. I put it on and I feel weaker, I don't like it. I look at Eliza who is smiling. "Don't read texts with your x-ray vision, Kara. It's rude" she says in mom mode. I giggle and we head back into the kitchen. Then Winn gasps and says "Guys! Want to have a sleepover at the Danvers's house this Friday?" Alex scoffs and says "Why did you say our house?" Winn rolls his eyes like it's the most obvious thing in the world, "My dad and mom are getting divorced but still live together so no, Mike's dad hates us." We nod, "Sam's is too small, and Lena, well we haven't even met Lex and I'm sure he doesn't want six crazy teens at his house" Winn explains. "Well, our house it is!" I yell! We all laugh and continue eating. Soon, Winn's mom and dad pick him up and Mike's dad takes him home. Sam is staying the night with us. Only because Sam and Alex said that Sam would sleep in the guest room , even though we both know that Sam will sneak into Alex's room and then wake up early and sneak back. Lena is staying for dinner and then Lex is gonna take her home. Alex and Sam go to Alex's room, so I invite Lena into mine. We sit on my bed and start talking. "Did you have a good first day?" I asked her. "Yes I did, it was better than expected." "Awesome! I'm glad!" We sit there smiling at each other and then I glance at her lips and when I look up she is watching my eyes. I lean in slowly and she does too. Our lips barely meet when Sam busts into my room and we jump apart. "Guys, dinners ready!" And then she runs away. I stand up and adjust my glasses blushing like crazy. Lena just stands there shocked and then I walk over to her, she looks at me and smiles. Then I grab her hand and lead her downstairs back into the dining room. We sit down and start eating. "So Alex and Sam what were you doing?" Eliza asks suspiciously. "Chill mom, we were sending each other memes and laughing," Alex says while rolling her eyes. "Kara, what about you and Lena?" Sam asks wiggling her eyebrows. I choke on my water and Lena starts blushing. I cough and then say "what?" Alex started laughing but covers it up badly with a cough. Eliza raises an eyebrow and Sam is smirking. "What were you and Lena doing?" Sam asks again. "We were talking about her first day, right Lena?" I say. "Yep," she says simply. We continue eating while Lena and I are blushing like crazy.

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