Chapter 8

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At School-

Winn POV-

My dad just dropped my off at school, really mad because he found out that my mom was cheating on him. Yeah, they are getting divorced but it's not finalized yet. Anyways, I get out of the car and see Mike standing outside of school so I go up to him. "Hey, Mike!" I say. He looks up and smiles as bright as ever, it makes my knees go weak. "Hey, hottie, what's up?" He says. I blush and say "Oh nothing just, my mom and dad got into another fight." He frowns a little, "aww I'm sorry, Winn. What if I took you out to dinner tonight, just to get out of the house?" He asks. I raise my eyebrows "Is that the only reason?" I ask him, he blushed. "I mean, and cause I like you and wanna take you out." I smile and he started leaning in slowly. I lean in to and we kissed! It was magical! When we pulled away we were smiling a lot, then heard Alex yelling from across the parking lot. "Finally! Gosh, now Lena and Kara have to get together!" Sam laughed at Kara, who was blushed hard.

Kara POV-

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs so I run downstairs and before I know it I'm in the kitchen at the food. "Kara, honey. You scared me, don't superspeed into the kitchen. Remember no powers" Eliza says, I frown and nod. I sit down and a few minutes later, Sam and Alex come downstairs. I smirk at them and Alex glares at me. We eat breakfast and then Alex and I head to the car, while Eliza and Sam are getting there things. "Hey, Kara. Can you do me a solid and clean up the sauce so I don't get grounded." Alex asks me. "Eliza said, no powers," I state. Alex rolls her eyes and groans "please! Just this once?" I nod and smile. I clean it up and then we get in the car. We get to school and then we see Mike and Winn kissing! I am so happy for them! Alex yells at them and I hear her say "now Lena and Kara have to get together" I blush hard at that and look down. I close my eyes for a few seconds and then hear Lena talking to, who I think is Lex. "I thought you said you performed together." "I did but she's not in the club officially" Oh my gosh, they are talking about me! I smile brightly and then Alex asks "What's got you in a good mood?" I only smile and then smirk, "You'll never know!" She narrows her eyes at me and then walks to class with Winn. Mike, Sam, and I don't have class until later so we just hang out outside. I see black hair stepping out of a Tesla, and then see a jaw-line, and god would I know that jaw-line anywhere, it was no other than Lena Luthor. She turns around and sees me. I smile at her and she smiles back. She walks over to us and I pull her into a hug. She hugs back immediately and then we pull away after 5 seconds. We stare at each other for a minute and then look away. Sam is smirking after Mike whispers something in her ear. Lena raises an eyebrow and I gulp. She looks at me and my eyes widen, her eyebrow still raised. "Let's go to class, shall we?" She asks, we all agree and go inside. When we get inside, Mike and Sam go to their class, while Lena and I head to science.

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