Chapter 9

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When we go inside, Mr.Snapper is frowning but when he turns to see Lena he smiles, "Welcome back, Miss. Luthor! I hope your first day went well" She nods and smiles back "it was, all thanks to Miss. Danvers here" My eyes widened and he looks at me "well, then. Thank you, Miss. Danvers" I smile slightly and then we sit down. She leans over to my ear and whispers "I think he likes you" I smile and hug her sideways. My arm wraps around her waist and then I kiss her cheek, she blushed and then looks down. I smile satisfied. After science, which wasn't that bad, we head to English! We walk in and Diana is sitting at her desk and she looks up and smiles brightly. We both smile back. "Hello guys, how are you today?" She asks. "We are good, exited for glee today!" Lena says. "You'll be joining us again, Kara?" Diana asks hopefully. I smile and nod. She nods, and then we sit down. Lena and I talk all class period, Diana noticed but acted like she didn't. 

Short but a little Supercorp, next chapter will be longer!

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