Chapter 7

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Next Day


I woke up to my alarm, which was set for 6:15. I got dressed and brushed my teeth and hair. I run downstairs smiling like an idiot and then I heard Lex walk in, I smile and say "Good morning!" He quirks an eyebrow "what's got you in a good mood" I smile brightly "it's just a beautiful day!" He laughs "It's Kara isn't it?" I frown "Am I that obvious?" He chuckles "yes, yes you are" he teases. I glare at him and then grab my toast and then we head to his car. "Oh yeah, hey Lex. Can I spend the night with Kara on Friday?" He looks at me and says "will it only be you too?" I blush and say "yeah, Sam, Alex, Winn, and Mike will be there too!" He nods and says "and Mike and Winn are boys?" I scoff and say "they are gay, for each other. They are so oblivious" I explain. He starts laughing and I say "what?" he calms down and says "Are you sure this Glee Club isn't the Gay Club?" I raise my eyebrow "what?" he chuckles "Well, Alex and Sam are together, Winn and Mike are going to get together, and Kara and you are together" I blush hard and stutter out "wh- what? Uhm no uh K-kara and I are only f-friends." He laughs at me and says 'Winn and Mike are not the only oblivious ones in the group" I scoff and say "Besides Kara isn't in the Glee Club" He frowns a little "I thought you said you performed together." "I did but she's not in the club officially" He only nods.

Short but a little Luthor sibling moments :)

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