Chapter 14

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 Then I saw a red blur in front of me and then It stopped beside me. I looked at it and he said "Kara?" I smiled and said "Barry!" He smiled and we hugged. "I haven't seen you since 7th grade! How have you been?" he asked me. "I'm good, what are you?" He frowns and then realizes "Oh yeah, I got struck by lightning and now I am the flash." I smile and then say "well, apparently, I am Kryptonian and supermans cousin." He smiles and says "Awesome, we can be the "Superfriends"! I nod and we laugh until I hear my name being called. I turn to see who it was and sure enough, Eliza and my friends had all came and we running towards me. I see the horned guy pick up a car and throw it right at Lena! I flew over right in time and blocked the car before it hit her. I pick her up and set her down a ways away. "What the hell Kara!" She yells. I kiss her and she pulls away "No, you do not get to kiss me, and then everything is fine again." I nod and look down "I'm sorry, but I wanted to help" She frowns and says "you can't help, if your hurt" I look at her and apologize, she hugs me and I kiss her cheek. I see Barry run towards me, "Hey, I'm Barry. Kara's superfriend." they all laugh but Barry and I frown "You don't like it?" We ask. They just continue laughing. "So, who is this pretty lady?" he asks pointing at Lena. I furrow my eyebrows and say "She's taken." He laughs "I only meant who was she, I didn't mean to hit on her." Lena laughs too "Yeah, and besides Kara, I'm not officially taken" I frown and turn my head "What? I thought you and I were- oh yeah! Hey, Lena wanna be my girlfriend?" They all laugh at me and then Lena says "yes." Barry gasps and says "Hey, Kara! Do you remember Iris?" I nod and she smiles "She is MY girlfriend!!" I squeal and we hug! "That is awesome Barry!" I exclaim and then Eliza comes over to me, and I stand up tall and we all stop laughing. "Kara Zor-El Danvers! What in god's name was that?" I flinch "Uhm, I wanted to help" I cringe at my explanation "Wanted to help?! I said no powers!!!!" Eliza yells. I flinch and the rest of them laugh at me. But then she turns to the rest of the kids "And you guys! You knew and you didn't hold her back?!" They all stopped laughing immediately and looked down. After we all got back in the car and got home, we sat in the living room. Barry came with us. Eliza called a family meeting to we were sitting on the couches and floor, just wherever we could. "You are all grounded!" Eliza exclaimed and we all groaned and gasped. She gave us the mom glare and we all shut up. "The dance Friday is canceled for you and the sleepover that night!" She says. I stand up and then yell "What? No! You can't do that! I was gonna dance with Lena and sing to her and be awesome and kiss her and-" I stopped myself and blushed hard. Eliza smiled at me and then said "Okay, fine but only if you guys don't use your powers for the rest of the week, that goes for you too Barry" Barry smiled and waved a little. We all smile and when I sit down Lena whispered to me "So, dancing, and singing, and kissing?" I blush and say "I wanted it to be special." She smiles and kissed my cheek. 

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