Chapter 3

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 We get to the Glee Club and I see Miss. Prince standing at the piano going through some papers. Alex and I walk in the classroom and another brown-haired girl runs up to Alex and kisses her. Alex and she stop kissing and then turn to me "Oh yeah, Lena this is Sam, Sam this is Lena. She is new here and Kara asked me to show her to the Glee Club" Alex explained. Sam smiled and when I put my hand out, she scoffs and pulls me into a hug. It was weird at first and then she pulls away, smiling. I smile back and then Alex puts her hand on my shoulder and walks me over to Miss. Prince. "Hey, Miss. Luthor! How's it going?" Miss. Prince exclaims. Alex's eyes widen and look at me "You're a Luthor?" She asks me. I look down and say "yes" It was silent for a few beats and then I hear a squeal. "Oh my gosh! That is so cool, like sorry about your mom and everything but your brother is amazing! I love his work!" Alex screams. I smile widely and then say "Thank you, my brother would love you!" Alex's eyes widen and then she yells for Sam and then tells her everything. Sam just smiles and says "My girlfriend is a bit of a nerd." Alex hits her in the arm and then turns back to me and smiles. After that, I see a light brown-haired boy and an almost black-haired boy walk in. They rush over to us and say hello. The lighter haired one says "Hello, I'm Winn! You're really pretty." He gushes and then gets hit my the taller boy and says "ow" The taller one says "Hey, I'm Mike. I'm guessing your Kara's new friend." I furrow my eyebrows and he finishes "Oh yeah, we ran into Kara on our way here and she talked and talked about you." I smile and blush a little. Alex smirks, and Sam giggles quietly. "Anyways, Lena! You are cool! I saw that you helped your brother take down your mom!" Winn exclaims and Alex whacks him in the back of the head "ow!" he exclaims. I just smile and say "It's fine Alex. Yes we did, I am just happy she's not gonna hurt anyone else," I say. Winn smiles widely. "Okay, since everyone has been acquainted, let's get started" Miss. Prince says. We all sit down and listen. "Today, we are going to talk about competitions! We need three songs to sing that will blow the judges away!" Miss. Prince says. We all look at each other smiling widely. Just then we hear metal getting hit. Miss. Prince rushes outside and we all follow. We see Kara beating up some boy. Alex, Sam, and Mike rush over to her and pull her off him. He gets up and runs away. Winn and I run over to Kara with Miss. Prince. They let go of Kara and Alex yells "Kara what the actual?! Why did you punch the crap out of him?!" Kara muttered something, Alex said "What?" Kara mumbled again and then Alex whacks her in the back of the head and she doesn't flinch. "Louder!" Alex yells. "He was talking bad about Lena!" Kara yells back. Everyone turns to me and I blush. "Kara, you don't have to beat someone up because they were talking about me," I say to her. Her face softens and she turns her head like a puppy. "But he was being mean" she pouts. I just chuckle and put my hand on her shoulder "Someones always gonna be mean" I say. She pouts and gives me puppy eyes. "Don't look at her, she always gets her way with the puppy eyes" Alex and Sam yell. I just laugh and Kara pouts harder. I kiss her cheek and whisper "thank you" in her ear. When I pull back she is blushing hard. We all go back into the Glee Club and sit down, Kara included. "So, does anyone have ideas for songs?" Miss. Prince asks. "What for?" Kara asks. "Comps," Alex says. Kara nods and smiles a bit. "What about "Rewrite this story from Smash?" Kara asks. We all smile and nod. "Well, since it was your idea, would you like to perform it?" Miss. Prince asks, smirking. Alex, Sam, Winn, and Mike all cheer, and then Sam yells out "Lena and Kara do a duet!" We both blush and look at each other. "That is a good idea, Sam, it could count as your audition to Lena!" Miss. Prince exclaims. Kara smiles at me and then stands up pulling me up with her. I yelp and then walk over to the stage, Kara runs off for a second and then comes back with a guitar, I smirk and raise an eyebrow, Kara blushes a little. Alex runs on stage and sits at the drums. Kara starts to play the guitar and sings.


There's a block on the edge of this town no one talks about

Where the train doesn't stop and the kids know they're not getting out

You live in the loop, the smokes on the stoop

Counting the coins you got

You work at a bar where all that you are is everything you're not

Someone tell me when

I can start again

And rewrite this story

How long can I stay

Lost without a way to rewrite

I wish I could rewrite this story


Pretty face, pretty voice; pretty much someone they forget

Hard to tell me apart from the ten other girls they just met

"We can't see the hook, we can't sell the look"

I hear it every day

"You won't be a star if you're who you are"

So I just fade away

Make me someone new

Tell me what I do to rewrite this story


How long can I stay

Lost without a way to rewrite

I wish I could rewrite this story

Change every word of every line

Write any story but mine

Someone tell me when

Can I start again

And rewrite this story

Yeah, Yeah

How long can I stay

Lost without a way to rewrite


I wish I could rewrite this story


Kara and I smile at each other and our eyes meet. It's like everything around us faded and it was just us smiling at each other. But it ended as soon as it started because we heard clapping and cheering. When we look at everyone, Winn is cheering and is teary-eyed, while Mike is comforting him in a non-friendly way. Sam runs up to Alex and kisses her. Miss. Prince is smirking and clapping. "I really would wish you'd join Kara" Miss. Prince says and everyone agrees. Kara looks like she's considering it but then shakes her head, "guys I can't. Remember what happened in freshman year?" They all frown and then Kara says "oh crap, I gotta go! I forgot about soccer" and then runs off. "Uhm what happened freshman year?" I ask. They all cringe at the memory.

Next Chapter will start with Alex's POV

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