Chapter 22

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And that's how we got here, seven years after high school. Seven years after Lena left me. The pain never went away, like they said it would. After she left, I quit everything, every club, every friend group. I was all alone and I liked it that way. After three years, I came home after college and re-kindled my relationship with Alex and Sam, who are still together. Then it was Mike and Winn, they are engaged, and Barry and Iris, who are married. It sucks sometimes, you know? Cause all of my high school friends are still together and living happy lives when the love of my life is somewhere else. But anyway, tomorrow we are going back to National High and we are gonna see Diana, Cat, Lucy, and Lena again. Sam and Lena kept in touch, they are best friends and talk almost every day. Even though I ask all the time, Sam never tells me how Lena is doing. Alex, Sam, and I bought a three-bedroom apartment together. Winn and Mike have there own house, the same goes for Barry and Iris. I head to bed after eating a bowl of ice cream and then set my alarm.

We are getting close to the end!

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