Chapter 23

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I wake up to my alarm and then get dressed and do my hair. When I come out of my bedroom, Alex and Sam were already ready to go. We got in the car and drove to National High, I complained and worried the whole time.

When Alex and Sam got out of the car, I didn't want to get out so I didn't. Alex grabbed my arm and yanked me out. We heard laughs and saw Winn, Mike, Iris, and Barry all laughing at me. I turned red and looked at the ground. "Hey! Long time no see!" Barry said. I smile and then we hug, after hugging everyone we head inside. We see Diana and she comes running towards me and embraced me tightly. Then Cat walked outside and I rushed to her. She hugged me and smoothed my hair and then whispered "everything is gonna be okay". I nod and then pull back and she smiles. We head inside and sit down. We were all just chatting until we heard heels clicking loudly and then stop. When I look up, I see Lena Luthor in all her grace and beauty. I stare at her but then catch myself and look down. Sam rushed over to her and hugged her. Mike, Winn, Barry, Iris, and Alex all hugged her too. Lena looks at me and I look away. I can't face her, not without falling in love all over again. Alex understood and then nodded at Lena, she smiled sadly and then sat down.

Short but next one will be really long

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