Chapter 13

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Winn, Mike, Sam, and Alex left Lena and me alone in the living room and went to Alex's room. Lena stands up and I stand up too, we head to my room and sit down on my beanbags. "Hey, Lena! So, this dance Friday." Her face lightens "I was Uhm wondering if you maybe wanted to Uhm, g-go with m-me?" I ask stuttering. She smiles and answers with "yes, I would love to" I smile and sigh of relief. "The only thing is I can't dance," I say. She nods and stands up, pulling me with her. She puts my arms around her waist and her arms on my shoulders and starts to teach, I make eye contact with her and I lean in slowly, giving her the time to back out. Our lips brush and then Alex, Sam, Winn, and Mike burst into my room. I get angry because it's like the 8th time Lena and I have almost kissed and got interrupted. "I swear to Rao, the next person the stops me from k-." I stop myself and blush. Alex and Sam burst out laughing while Winn and Mike have the decency to look guilty. "What the hell was that Kara!" Alex yells, I faintly hear Eliza yell "Language" I look down and glance at Lena who is smirking at me. I adjust my glasses but I see a little without them on and happen to be looking at Lena and I see a lacy bra and panties, I blush like crazy and put my glasses on immediately. Alex walks over to me and slaps the back of my head, I don't feel it at all. Winn, Mike, Sam, and Lena look at me like I've killed somebody. "What?" I ask. "How did that not hurt you?" Sam asks. "Oh it's my super-strength" I answer quickly. They're eyes widen and then I remember they didn't know. "Joking, haha," I say. Alex facepalmed, and then she tells them "sit down guys" We end up telling them everything and it was so quiet. Then out of nowhere "Oh my god!!! MY BESTFRIEND IS A SUPERHERO!!!" Winn yells. I sigh of relief and then Mike and Sam go "Oh my god, my future in-law has superpowers" Alex and Winn blush hard at that. "What?" they ask. "We all know we are getting married one day" Sam explains. I nod but then say "Wait, Mike how would I be your sister-in-law?" He sighs "You and Winn are basically siblings," He says. Alex and I nod. I look over to Lena and she is staring into space. The rest of them leave my room, I sit on my knees in front of Lena. "Hey, what's going on it that beautiful brain of yours?" I ask her. She looks me in the eyes and frowns "If superman is your cousin, then he'll hate me! My mom tried to kill him!" She exclaims. I smile brightly "What?" She asks. "Your gonna meet my family one day?" I say. She blushes and looks down. I lift her chin and look in her eyes "I would love that!" I say, she smiles, and then I lean in. Right before we kiss, they come in again. "Hey guys, you good?" Alex asks. I roll my eyes and say "what the hell?" I kiss Lena and she kisses back. I'm convinced she's the best kiss on Earth! I hear Alex groan and the rest of them are either laughing at Alex's reaction or making fun of Lena and me. I pull back because Lena is a human and runs out of the air, unlike me. Lena smiles at me and I smile brightly back. I turn to Alex, and she says "So I guess your good?" Lena and I nod smiling at each other. Then I heard sirens, I wanted to see what was happening so I took off my glasses and saw that some weird looking guy with a horn was attacking innocent civilians. I'm guessing Alex noticed that I was about to go help because she grabbed my arm and said "Kara no, your not ready and besides no powers" I frown, and then Lena asks "What are you talking about?" Alex turns to Lena "hear those sirens?" they all nod. "Kara was going to go try and help." I look back and see a car being thrown. I almost fly out of there right then but Lena grabbed my hand with one and my cheek with the other, looked me in the eyes, and said "Kara, please don't go. I can't lose you too." She was teary-eyed, I looked back at the destruction and then back to Lena. I kissed her and whispered "I'm sorry" I took my bracelet off and then flew to the street.

Next Chapter is Juicy and will be having a new character!

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