Chapter 21

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I woke up and see two green eyes looking at me. It was an older woman she looked familiar. A little like Lena, oh my god! Its Lillian Luthor! She started talking "you're close to Lena?" I nod slowly. "Ah, so if you died. She would be hurt yes?" I furrow my eyebrows and try to break the chain holding my hards together but it hurt. "Don't try getting out, the walls are lined with Kryptonite." She scoffs. She smacked me. "I want to see Lena in pain, she deserves that after putting me in prison." I got angry and tried to get out of the restraints again. When it doesn't work I grunt in frustration. Lillian punches me and then calls a large, muscular man to "finish the job" I figure that I'm gonna be in a lot of pain, but it's worth it because I got to be with Lena for a while. I got beat up pretty bad and the last thing I remember before passing out was agents coming in and shooting. I wake up under those lights again and this time I see Lena holding my hand, passed out in the chair next to the bed. Alex and Sam are in there too. Then, I start to think about Lillian and the heart monitor started beeping like crazy. They all started to stir and then Lena woke up after seeing me. She jumped up and hugged me. She was smiling and then frowned. Alex and Sam were awake now too, watching our exchange. I could see the pain and sadness in Lena's eyes and then I realize, she's gonna leave me. She sees that I know and she starts to cry, I start crying too. "I'm sorry Kara, it has to be done" I shake my head, "please don't leave me. I love you" She smiles sadly "I love you too and that's why I'm doing this." I shake my head harder "No. If you loved me you wouldn't leave me. Lena please, I can't do this without you." Lena looks away kisses my forehead and leaves the room. I break down crying and Alex runs to me and holds me. Sam come over too. 

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