#1 Revelations

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The day had been quiet for the two guards, posted at Konoha's gates. There had only been a few merchants that wanted to enter the village and they had all the documents they needed, so that was dealt with quickly. The sun had just begun to set when Izumo Kamizuki, the younger of the guards spotted a group of people walking out of the forest, towards the gates. Tapping the shoulder of his partner, they sat up and waited for the newcomers to come to them to see what they wanted.

When the group of five finally arrived, Kotetsu Hagane recognised them instantly. The most prominent figure was Jiraiya of the sannin, famous author of the Icha Icha books and the master of the spy network that provided Konoha with much of its Intel. The two teens next to them were less well known outside of Konoha, but inside of Konoha they were almost famous for their involvement in the defense against Orochimaru's attempted invasion three years ago. They were Naruto Hatake, with his trademark mask on his face, and his fiancée Temari of the desert.

Although the two guards didn't recognize the two children they had with them, the presence of Jiraiya alone was enough to just wave them through the gates, since he was one of the most trusted persons in the village.

Meanwhile Naruto was shaking. He knew that this day would come and he had dreaded it immensely. Even though Temari had tried her best to ease his fears he still was not able to keep his hands still.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Jiraiya asked as they had entered Konoha. "I have to, she was my responsibility and I failed." Naruto replied. It had been a year, since he had lost his student, but he still didn't want to tell her parents what had happened.

Taking a deep breath he turned to his other two students: "You two go home, I'll take with Tsunade-bachan to give you a few weeks off, you deserve it."

Watching the two children hug each other before they quickly ran their separate ways towards their homes, Temari took Naruto's hand and smiled at him sadly. "We'll get through this." She whispered as they started to walk towards the house Naruto didn't want to see.

Hiashi Hyuuga was working on some paperwork, when he heard a scream outside of his house. Rushing outside he was greeted by the sight of his daughters hugging, both of them crying as they embraced each other for the first time in three years. It took him a moment to realise that his second daughter had finally come back, before his smile grew even wider and he jumped forward to join the family hug.

After a few minutes of just standing there, their arms around each other the trio went inside and found themselves in the living room of their house. The two older Hyuuga noticed that something was wrong with Hanabi, the youngest daughter of the main family of the well know clan, so they sat down on the couch and asked what it was. The young girl sighed sadly and began to tell her story.

Asuma Sarutobi and Anko Sarutobi were reading books when they heard a knock on their door. Getting up Asuma smiled at his wife, giving her a quick peck on the cheek, before going to the door.

Opening the door, he saw a thirteen year old boy standing in front of him. Realising that his nephew Konohamaru had returned to the village he shouted for Anko to come to the door, while enveloping the boy in a bone crushing hug. Ever since Konohamaru's parents had become Anbu Asuma had taken the boy in as his son, since his brother and his wife were out of the village most of the time on dangerous missions. When Anko came to the door she smiled and waited for the two to finish their hug. When they separated Konohamaru rushed to his stepmother and hugged her as well. Even though he had only known the snake mistress of Konoha for a year before he had left for his training trip with Jiraiya and his sensei, he grew to see her as a second mother, just as Asuma had become a second father for him. Smiling even wider now, she returned the embrace, welcoming the boy back home. After that, they went inside and Konohamaru excused himself to his room, to unpack his stuff.

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