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The five hundred year war had waged on for generations, dozens of lives lost and power gained over the years, no one within the five mystic races would've thought of this outcome.

The almighty witches had been defeated by the demon king and his army, aided by the vampires he had forced them to bend to his will when he took their prince.

As he walked toward the courtyard of what was once a castle, he grimaced at the sight of decapitated heads and burnt bodies, this was the price the witches were to pay for not agreeing on an alliance with the demons.

He walked forward passing the torn drapes and shattered picture frames within the castle, the flames that burned a far distance from him told their own story, a battle had been fought here by a fierce warrior.

He looked to his men and all of them had the same expression, they didn't know who it had been, as they walked further along the steep pathway the demon king spotted a golden barrier protecting all those who were inside.

His steps quickened to the room protected by the barrier, he knew the king and his family were inside but what could they do, the kingdom had fallen they had to submit and he would make sure they obeyed.

"Demonic Cataclysm." With a hand laid on the barrier itself, the barrier shattered in an instant along with the door leaving only traces of wood.

"Give up Ramar you have lost or shall I kill more of your people and maybe children." He threatened as his eyes flashed pitch black making his threat even more deadly.

"We surrender." It was the king's wife that mumbled  her head bowed, the demon king knew the woman for her fierce spirit in battle she would not give up easily, yet she had and it stunned him but he did not dwell on it. "Alright then, gather your people they must also witness this." He ordered and with only a nod to the king he left, as he did so the witch king and his wife sighed in relief.

"I hope his negotiations won't include taking a child of mine, he's done it with the vampires, I don't think I can handle losing any of my children." The woman spoke softly as three of her children revealed themselves within the room.

"I hope Ramier doesn't come home to this, we must warn him." She exclaimed directing her order to her firstborn daughter who nodded, the girl tried to port away but it did not work and she groaned knowing it was the demon king's doing.

"He's trapped us in the castle." She confessed  making her mother worry even more. "Goddess protect my child." The queen muttered as they walked out of the room they were in, the courtyard was filled with the nobles and others who lived in the kingdom all of them stood with defiant faces.

They were silently waiting, no chatter could be heard as was the custom among large groups of people but they were silent. Though the courtyard had been cleared enough not to know what had happened, they knew. "The mighty and proud witches have been defeated!" The demon king laughed loudly with no humor.

"Now listen to me, your kingdom shall serve mine, your rule shall be overseen by me and if you disobey I shall kill more of your kind to prove my point." He ordered, the air around the courtyard was cold, none would've expected this humiliation but they would not say.

"This alliance must be held together by a marriage don't you think Ramar." The demon announced looking at the king intensely, they both knew what he wanted, and Ramar was stunned into silence.


Deep in the forest, a cabin hidden away by magic, the sat a which, legs crossed, eyes closed and magic radiated from in powerful waves, he could feel the oncoming hoard of demons and vampires, he knew they were sent to scout the forest for any who had fled like himself.

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