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"Saytor I wanna know what happened." It wasn't a request to the general, it was a command and Saytor nodded.

"They were sparring and Alquin took it too far and hurt him, he was so angry and Villa tried to fight back which only made it worse, it was supposed to be sparring but it ended up in a battle." After the explanation Mier sighed, his anger was held at bay, he needed to help Villa.

"You there, get me dragon scales, fresh blood, angelica root, mandalin bark, white oak sap and mountain ash." The nurses scurried off to collect what they hand been told to get as the witch prepared the rest.

"I need Phoenix ashes and asphild mix." Mier spoke toward Saytor who nodded and left the room as well. "He's going to hurt for doing this to you Villa, I don't know why he even did this." Mier sighed as he prepared the work table, he took in the sight of Villa and tried not to burn everything in anger.

"Here you are, lord." The nurses and Saytor had come all at once and handed everything to him, flicking his fingers candles appeared along with a sigil on the floor, they were lit and everyone could feel power emanating from the sigil.

"Get out and let me work." Mier ordered and everyone immediately walked out of the room leaving the witch and Villa. Ingredients were mixed in vials and syringes, as he added the Phoenix ashes to the mix, the mixture flared a yellow flame before it died out.

Mier took the mortar and pestles, crushing more ingredients inside until a thick green sab had been created, with a syringe he walked over to Villa and injected the solution into his body.

Immediately his heart picked up and began beating strongly, showing the healing solution was working on the internal injuries, Mier took the sab and began applying it on the physical wounds on Villa's body.

By the time he was done Villa's skin had been completely healed and his body was almost done healing, the witch wiped away the sweat from his forehead as he let Villa rest.

He flicked his fingers again and everything he had summoned disappeared leaving only the fresh blood he had been pumping slowly into Villa. "Rest easy love." He mumbled.


Saytor and the king's husbands all watched in awe from the outside of the room where Villa and Mier were, although there was a wall Tristan had used magic to make it so that it didn't obstruct their vision.

"I have never seen healing like that, nor anyone who could make a solution which works that fast." The fae commented making everyone nod. It had amazed them watching Mier work on healing Villa but they knew after this he would want answers and he would be on a war path.

Mier walked out of the room and locked it with magic, he wanted no one to enter and disturb Villa as he healed. "He'll be fine, he just needs rest." He spoke but didn't turn back to face them only headed for Alquin.

It wasn't hard to find the king as he didn't completely conceal his aura, so Mier walked into the training room with the rest of the husbands, Saytor and Malia in tow, they wanted to see how he would confront the king and hopefully stop him from getting hurt.

"Why?" Mier hissed toward Alquin, his cat slits were on display as he asked the king. "Because I felt like it." Alquin replied annoyed by the question, and that was the tipping point for Mier.

"6th Circle: Dragons Rage." The massive grey flames attacked Alquin, they came unrelenting like a dragon would, anything in their path was incinerated, on instinct Alquin's shield engulfed him but it wasn't enough to stop the flames as the wall exploded beside him.

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