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Secrets Exposed.

I loved you the moment I met you.
I couldn't love another as I drowned in the sea of your love.
There has never been a moment where I hesitate to show you:
I'd gladly rip out my heart if you commanded it.
You know what I am.
I am not perfect nor am I pure.
I do not claim to be something I'm not because you loved the beast before you loved me.
Each moment I'm with you even the insignificant of those:
I would gladly be there to enjoy it because you're there.
I am a vampire of many flaws and mistakes but you could never be one, and as you sleep soundly:
I watch over you and the first of many lives that we will make and cherish.
You've yet again given me something to cherish, and I'm forever grateful.

Villa sat by the bed where his mate lay asleep, exhausted from the pains of birth, next to his mate was their little prince, his heir, his baby boy, little Amillio, he could already see that mess of silver hair running free and wild in the forest, a powerful witch and a proud vampire, he had the qualities of both his parents, a symbol of their love, he would cherish him always as he would with those who would be his siblings in the future.

The vampire's eyes twinkled as he met those of his baby boy, he was a big one, no wonder his father's belly had swelled bigger than most, he sat there intent on protecting these two precious lives he would forever love. "Awww look Tres, our baby brother." Meca cooed almost silently walking over to the crib encased with the strongest magic, as for protection and an incubator. "He definitely got dad's hair no doubt, he's gonna be one badass witch then." Tres chuckled holding the baby. "But he's so big, obviously got papa's brooding dominant side, I can't wait to see him grown up, look is that normal." Meca exclaimed as a full black moon was traced onto the baby's little chest, barely peeking through the baby blanket.

Villa knew the reason for her surprise but he wasn't alarmed as Tres gently placed little Amillio back in his crib. "It's only natural he received the goddess's blessing, papa is the vampire king so he would be his heir." Lore one of the silent shadow children replied cooing over the baby, Villa was amused by it all, he knew they loved their new sibling as did Lake who was even happier to be a big brother, though Ajax soon would be birthing  as well.

"Sorry pops these idiots got sidetracked by the bundle of cuteness over there." Lore apologized but Tres smacked his head. "What was that for, you did get distracted." He argued and Meca hit him as well and that was Villa's final straw. "Boys, and girl." He sternly warned and they all stood straight as planks in fear of Villa's fury. "Come on." He waved them out and the seven all shuffled out of the room. "Lore, Meca, Tres, stay right here, boys you can go home and rest." He instructed and a black portal opened, the four siblings all cooed the baby before running into the portal to escape their  papa's wrath.

"Now report." Villa ordered Lore, who walked upfront. "Lampard has now ascended to his throne, we've successfully killed any of the remaining family to Jon the Lycan prince, I'm sure he's unaware, the borders to the Lycan kingdom have been locked, no unauthorized entry is permitted, any demons found were completely neutralized." Lore replied and Villa nodded proudly. "Good, but did you make sure to point out to the new lycanthrope king that he is either with us, or he stays away from the war completely." The vampire directed his question to Tres who was not paying attention to him at all.

"Uh what...yes we did pops." He stuttered earning snickers from his siblings, he glared at both Meca and Lore before turning to the eyes of Villa, the vampire king just sighed. "Fine, and what did he say?" He questioned Tres yet again. "Oh he agreed to stay out of it but if the situation arises, he will be there to support those who gave him his rightful place among the Lycans." Tres replied with a wicked grin remembering how not so nicely he asked Lampard to do what he was asked.

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