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"Were...wait we're having, you're having my baby?" Villa couldn't believe it, he hadn't expected that on the day he visited Mier he would find out he's pregnant, he didn't expect a lot of things, the morning was still early as the dew drops were falling outside, he and Mier were snuggled in bed as the witch finally told him about their child, Villa had not noticed the night before because the vampire was tired but now the prominent baby bump on Mier couldn't be mistaken for anything.

"I love you." Villa spoke the words he had never told anyone, never told even himself, he loved the witch, not because he had given him a child but because only Mier loved him back, only Mier held his hand and came to his aid when he needed it. "I love you too." Mier replied wiping tears away. "I'm going to be a Papa, and I'm going to teach him how to hunt and you're going to teach him magic and how to love, thank you!" Villa expressed his happiness crushing his beloved in a hug.

In that hug tears fell from his eyes, this was the best thing he had ever been given his whole life, a child of his own, one that would be his and his mates. "Thank you, my love." Villa added as he finally kissed the witch, Mier didn't see the reason to hold back, he had finally gotten what he needed, he finally found someone who loved him for him, he wasn't a king, he was a man with nothing to his name and he was okay with that, all he wanted was him.

So when he kissed back he allowed the bonding process to be completed, no one not even the demon king who had claimed him could change this. Villa took in a huge breathe as power and all that the witch felt filled him. "What did you do?" The vampire asked his witch.

"On the day of the ceremony, I was supposed to be bound to Alquin, the sacred thread made sure of it, but I siphoned its magic before that happened, I took the demon magic Alquin granted me as per claim and used the magic that was to bind us, to break the claim." The witch explained. "So instead of it being a binding process you reversed the ritual to be a granting ritual, you got access to demon magic but Alquin got zero." Villa further explained with a smile.

"Yes, but I couldn't hold the power to myself, mating is a two way street, so when you claimed me and marked me." The witch lowered the silk sheet showing the vibrant red vine appearing on his body along with the demon marks. "You feel what I feel, along with any power you're granted by the mating." He explained shocking the vampire.

"I'm glad you're mine only, I could never share you, not in this life or any other." Villa confessed as he came up on top of the witch kissing him. "I wanna make you full." He whispered grinding his hard member at Mier's leaking entrance.


"Where are you, Mier." Saytor mumbled looking at his remaining opponent, it was the large beast like creature, all night he had spent fighting the creatures, he himself was a picture of a mad butcher. "8th Circle: Regeneration." He mumbled as his body began to heal until every part of him was completely healed with no marks insight.

A scythe appeared in his hand and he spun it as he waited for his last opponent to attack. "Dark Fury." A dark haze was shot at Saytor, he dodged the attack but when it hit the trees behind him they exploded. "3rd Circle: Shadow Hail." The acidic hail came from above and burnt the creature, it screamed out but didn't stay down for long.

"Lava vortex." The beast cast and behind Saytor a vortex of molten rock erupted and spilled near him, he vanished and appeared above the creature releasing streams of blue lightning. "6th Circle: Frozen Hold." The creature was held in place as a dark fog seeped from its feet with a swift strike the scythe landed several attacks on Saytor's opponent.

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