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Villa appeared in the vampire kingdom, directly in his father's council room, the vampire king was shocked to see his son come from a portal, no vampire had that kind of magic. The nobles who stood in the council room knew something was different about the prince, he exuded power that couldn't match even the king.

"Hello father, miss me." Villa taunted as he walked toward the throne. "He let you go." The king mumbled. "Not at all, I took my own freedom." The vampire replied with a smile. "After he put his cock in you, over and over like a bitch." The king spat but Villa chuckled. "Not once did the king and I touch intimately, not once did I kiss him, when he tried I went for his throat." Villa grinned showing his fangs and his eyes turning to dark pools of black.

The nobles were pleased with this change but the king wasn't, Villa was next in line on the throne, the boy had been gotten rid of when Alquin BloodShade took him, but now he had come back stronger than ever. "The vampires will no longer bow down to the demons, we're as strong as they are, the fae kingdom is now our ally against the demon king, and father your time has come." Villa announced pleasing the nobles but infuriating his father.

"Insolent brat, Crimson turmoil!" His father yelled throwing an attack but it didn't connect, Villa waved his hand and his father's attack was sent back throwing him to the wall. "You're too weak to fight back, but I'm not." Villa spat as he looked at his father. Villa didn't want his child to grow up in a home with a vile man such as his father, he wanted his child to see the beauty of the vampire kingdom.

They weren't bloodthirsty beasts like everyone made them to be and he would show it, he wanted his child to happily walk in the forest without a care, to learn magic with his father in the once beautiful garden of blood red roses, he wanted his son to be happy and his mate to feel peace in his home so therefore he had to do this.

"Are you going to stand in my way?" Villa asked with dark animosity toward the nobles, none of them stood up, they too wanted their freedom back, they too no longer wanted to live in fear of the demons, they wanted to fight, or die trying because slavery was not the vampire way, their pride could not be diminished.

"Sacred Blood of Old: Crimson, 8th Circle: Demonic Death."  A crimson circle appeared in front of Villa's father, it shot out red lightning toward his father, there wasn't a scream, there wasn't pain, there was only ash of a once vampire king. "Not even resurrection can bring you back dear dad." Villa chuckled turning to the nobles.

"Long live the king." One began. "Long live the king!" Another shouted. "Long live the king!" They all yelled in praise as a crown of crimson was placed on Villa's head. "We await your command, my lord." One of the head nobles spoke as Villa walked to the council table. "We need to find every traitor in the kingdom, and kill them, trading routes stay open, after those who will be traitors are killed, get the army mobilized, teach them the ancient texts, we must get stronger, open entrances to the fae they are our allies, but remember, no one can know it is I who leads you." Villa instructed and they all bowed.

"We have awaited this day for so long, we will no longer be slaves, let us rejoice in the salvation you bring my lord, we no longer live in fear." The nobles agreed with the proclamation as they went to do what had been asked of them, it was no easy task but it had to be done.

Villa waved his hand and an image of Everin appeared. "It's done, brother." He exclaimed. "Good, we must move on to the next phase of our plan, return to Alquin, he cannot know you're the king now, I have to find the exiled lycan prince, and oh I did save you some cake." Everin asserted with a chuckle and Villa nodded with a smile as Everin vanished.

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