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A black mass converged at one singular point, there a black portal opened, when it did the vampire king Villa walked through head held high and dominance radiating off him like a solar flare, he had opened a gateway to the witch kingdom, and this had caused commotion, no vampire had the magic to move through the dimensional barrier put in place by the witch king but the vampire had.

Guards surrounded Villa as he stood in the throne room, they held their attacks at the ready in case the vampire was to attack, Villa was all too amused by the show that he chuckled deeply looking at the feeble attempt by the guards. "Is there something funny vampire." Amora the future queen spat as she walked into the throne room with her parents behind her. "Oh yes, this feeble attempt at what you call hospitality." Villa mused as he looked around.

"We are not gracious to vampires for what you did in the war, and also it was you who came uninvited." She replied but Tessa the queen felt a pull to the vampire her daughter was conversing with, she could feel no hostility from the man, only the warmth that reminded her of her son Ramier, she didn't show her realization only remained silent. "What do you want?" The king asked as his aura rolled out and forced everyone who was not strong enough to submit to him. Villa smiled at the king, his father in law, but he didn't need to know that.

"I am Villa Anaerm Chevalier, and I come bearing news that you should know your highness." He replied as Amora and her father knit their brows in confusion, he knew why they were confused but he couldn't give them all the information. "What is it?" The king demanded of the vampire knowing he was royalty. "First I request you not to tell the demon king I was here and secondly, it's a bit private." Villa asserted and with a wave of his hand, the guards all fell unconscious. Tessa was impressed by the vampire, he was worthy of being with her son.

"You would betray your mate." Amora accused but Villa chuckled as he walked toward the three in the room. "For my kingdom and family, anything." He replied in her ear before she could even register the vampire's movement from where he had stood. "Speak." Tessa the witch queen finally spoke knowing whatever the vampire had to say was vital. "Go to the demon kingdom, they are being killed by a fog, they need help of course, after you deal with the fog you'll realize that your son Ramier Wrath is no longer married to the king, he never really was, there are secrets you must find out, that I won't share here, it's much better for you to find out on your own, and also you'll learn that Alquin has been keeping you in the dark, he no longer rules the fae, and also a rumor spreading around aswell that the vampires have locked their borders to any entry as well." Villa exclaimed with a slight smirk as the emotions ranged from hostility to fury on the king's face.

"Best hurry, I'm sure your ally wants your help." Villa taunted as the portal opened behind him, he wanted to walk through but Amora grabbed onto his sleeve. "Arent you going to ask us to ally with you or the fae." She demanded but Villa was amused by the request. "There is more that you don't know young princess, I'm sure when you find out, you'll have no mercy for the one who concocted the plan." The vampire replied only for her to hear, but Amora didn't miss the subtle hint to her father as the vampire vanished.

"What will we do?" She questioned as her familiar a black cat appeared in her arms. "I'm going to the demon kingdom, if what the vampire says is true then I will need to confirm it." Ramar replied knowing full well what the vampire had said was true, he was just having a hard time believing it. Amora walked away from the throne room with a glint in her eyes, the demons were paying for their sins, and she had to find out what the vampire had meant along with finding the vampire himself, there was more to him than just the lust he invoked with a glance and the dominance he radiated, there was more to him.

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