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Villa had moved from the castle to the home he and his mate had made in the forest in mere seconds, he knew once the bloodhounds were released nowhere would be safe for him or his mate, even though he was strong enough to kill them, it would cause suspicion, so it was better to work and stay in the shadows than anything else.

He walked steadily up the stairs, each step he took was now a reminder of what he had, and what he fought for, and it was in this conviction that he could easily lay down his life to make sure his mate was safe and happy, but that day hadn't come yet. He walked in with a smile, as laughter echoed all around the house, it was enchanting hearing it, this is what he was fighting for.

"I'm back!" He called out and out from the kitchen archway Lake ran up to him and squeezed on his leg. "Papa!" He yelled excitedly. "Hello my little prince, tell me, what were you up to." Villa teased the child he had come to love as his own, care for like his own and gladly protect and kill for if need be. "Nothing." Lake giggled his answer as Villa tickled him. "Papa staap!" Lake's pleas were unheard as Villa kept on tickling him.

"Okay I will you, staaap!" He laughed in between his words until Villa stopped tickling him. "I'm waiting." The vampire teased again and Lake urged him to come closer. "I was baking a cake with dad, your favorite, don't tell him I told you." The little demon whispered in  Villa's ear, the vampire grinned and held out his fist, the two bumped their fists and promised. "Now let's go see your dad, and you my little mischievous runt are going to help with packing." He instructed as Lake held on to his large bicep, Lake found comfort in having a father like Villa, he had time for him, always found something he wanted to do with him, and never once did he break a promise.

The two walked away from the foyer to the kitchen where Ajax and Mier were stuffing themselves with sweet treats and ice tea. "My love." The vampire remarked as he placed a kiss on Mier's forehead. "My other loved love." He chortled placing a kiss on Ajax's hand. "Are you always this charming or are you buttering me up for something, because if it were the second option, you should've gone with food then flattery." The fae exclaimed and the two burst out laughing.

"Do you ever stop joking around, I'm being genuine here." Villa argued but the fae was adamant. "Oh I know that, but I'm pregnant right now, so the way to my heart is straight through my stomach." Ajax defended as Mier finally laughed as well. "I have to agree with him." He asserted and Villa raised his hands in surrender. "As you say my love, but I do have grave news." As Villa spoke the happy atmosphere in the house suddenly fell down a stair, Lake who had found himself comfortable in Villa's arms and had fallen asleep stirred as well.

"What happened?" Mier questions holding on to his stomach for comfort. "Alquin knows Lera and his mate fled, along with the child he thought was his, and in his blind rage Alquin ordered a demon hunt, he believes he's still in the kingdom, therefore, he's hunting him down, if he were to use his best trackers, then he will find us, though he can't capture us, he will know we're here, so we need to leave." Villa expressed calmly making sure his mate was also calm, he was pregnant and didn't want to trigger anything with his witch.

"I guess we need to start packing, but even though, where will we go?" Ajax questioned as he too held on to his stomach for comfort, Mier was going through all the possible places to go. "If we go to the fae, they are preparing for war and he would most definitely find us, the vampire kingdom is now stable but some of the resistance members are still there, the witches might sense me but not you two, which is still risky, the best option right now is the vampire kingdom, but I have to do something first." Mier had explained all their options, he knew the safest place would be the place no one would expect him to be but he needed to get rid of a few vampires and demons first.

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