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Tristan, Lera, and Jon stood by the balcony to Jon's room, all three had sullen looks, they knew what they did shouldn't be done to any mystic.

Not even the greatest enemy, death was better than taking ones ability to give birth to their own child, to crush them from the inside and take away their will to live, being raped was one thing no one should experience as well.

But they had inflicted that pain onto Mier, the witch had not provoked them to any extent, yet they hated him and now he was broken, this wasn't what they wanted.

During the ceremony they could see the cracks in his perfect poise and smile, only those who knew could see it, others who did not know, wouldn't even see it.

"What will we do?" Tristan asked looking outside toward the gardens where Lake was playing. "I don't know, but whatever is coming, it's not going to be pretty, we shouldn't have gone to those lengths." Jon sighed knowing he too had played a part in breaking the witch.

They all looked outside in their thoughts until one single moment when they looked up to see the darkest grey clouds forming, lightning cracked and hit anything it's path, snow began to fall, so viciously cold, winds that blew so fiercely the mystics below were forced to run and hide for cover, it was death coming for those below and it already had killed many who were unsuspecting.

"Ramier." Lera whispered, the demon, fae, and lycan took off toward Miers room, as they ran toward it, they came across Alquin, Marcos, and Saytor, they all looked to have the same gesture as to who was causing the blizzard of wrath.  "Please don't tell me it's who I think it is." Marcos mumbled as they ran to Mier's room, he was truly terrified as the blizzard outside was escalating.

When they reached the room, the cold chill they felt made them shiver, indeed it had been Mier causing the cataclysmic blizzard and there was no way to reach him, as all around him snow fell beautifully and his hair was engulfed in flames that wouldn't burn him. "Mier stop!" Alquin yelled. "Please Mier, there is a better way than to do this!" Marcos pleaded knowing Mier was angry.

He out of everyone knew what was going on with Mier, he had suffered the same fate once and it haunted him, now he would see another go through it, yet the one now, was a witch with power only a king could go up against, it was beautiful and too much destruction to beat.


The castle shook violently as Mier levitated off the ground, none of those who stood behind him could stop him, this was their doing, and now they would face the consequences, they would face his wrath for everything, the blizzard outside had wiped out a part of the capital completely and it was just the beginning.

Alquin knew he had no choice but to fight Mier and get him to stop the destruction he had unleashed on the people, he had no choice, even though he was responsible for this, he had to take action and protect his people. "I'm sorry Mier, I shouldn't have done that, it wasn't me, please you're hurting innocent people, and I have no choice but to stop you." Alquin pleaded before he unleashed a tidal wave of black matter and phoenix spiral flame toward Mier.

The wave and fire were absorbed by the grey shield which now acted as a being protecting its wielder. "Vine cocoon." Tristan summoned vines which engulfed Mier, they were supposed to drain him but they were burnt away by grey flames which seemed unrelenting.

Jon and Lera nod to each other and both released powerful attacks toward Mier but it didn't work, all their attacks were being absorbed no matter how strong, Lake was outside the room with Villa, the two walked into the room, their eyes focused on Mier, for Lake this was his teacher and uncle who was floating in mid air looking powerful and yet in pain, for Villa this was a witch he had fallen in love with.

When Lake walked into the room and past the shield that engulfed Mier, Marcos gasped and in his heart, he had a little hope. He remembered what Mier always said. Children are innocent. Lake walked toward Mier and looked up with teary eyes that were close to spilling over. "You said you were okay, you promised." The little boy began to cry looking at Mier, he hated that Mier broke his promise but also that he was in pain.

"Yeah, you said you were fine and that you needed time, but you were okay, please Mier stop." It was Villa who pleaded, the vampire had seen the blizzard from where he was in the garden with Lake, he had never seen snow in the demon kingdom so he knew it wasn't normal and only one witch could summon the blizzard of wrath.

When there was no response, he looked in the eyes of the hovering witch. "It's not him." He exclaimed looking at the demon king. "That's not uncle Mier." Lake asserted looking at his dad, he knew his uncle's eyes that weren't his.

"Why do you say that?" Jon questioned as lightning so powerful hit the ground making the castle shake, the cataclysm was reaching its peak, something had to be done. "His eyes Papa, they aren't his eyes." Lake asserted and all who were in the room looked at Mier's eyes.

Deep pools of black without cat slits, Marcos knew what he had to do, the reason his eyes didn't have their true form, so he walked forward trying hard not to be thrown away by the cold and sheer power that came from Mier. "You can go, take your time, no one will stop." Marcos whispered in front of Mier, he knew himself that being where he was wouldn't help him, he needed space to heal like he did.

Snow began to fall outside instead of thunder and lightning, it was delicate, soft, and enchanting, Mier slowly came down, as his eyes changed from pools of black to silver catslits, then silver orbs. "Say my name and I will come." Mier instructed looking at Villa and Lake, the little boy hurried and latched on to Mier.

Marcos nodded to Mier before he disappeared in an instant leaving Villa to shed tears. "I hate you, all of you!" Villa spat looking at his husband. "I hope the Goddess will punish you for doing that to him, you deserve nothing good in this world, I hate you!" His words were a dagger with venom and they cut deep, within Alquin, he was the cause of this, and now he was paying for it.


Mier and Lake appeared deep in forest, it's inhabitants were animals and plants, a little settlement was due west near them, it was the perfect spot for the two of them and also what Mier needed. "Lake I'm going to summon our home for a long while so stand back." The little boy listened to his instructions as Mier laid hands on the ground.

A tetragram appeared in front of them, a cabin appeared in an instant, the second floor of the little home barely reaching the middle point of the large trees that surrounded them. "That's so cool." Lake mumbled in awe as they walked into the cabin.

"Go upstairs and check out your bedroom, I need to do something okay." The witch ordered and Lake ran upstairs, Mier walked outside and drew a sigil on the ground. "Protego volko sivan prohibita lamine." He cast the spell as the sigil glowed with power and a barrier was erected encasing the cabin within.

Mier couldn't stand being in the castle, the scene kept replaying in his head and he didn't want that, his heart was breaking and he needed to go, but if he had left without Alquin knowing they would have hunted him down, so that is why he caused the blizzard and gained permission to leave, they wouldn't come for him when they willingly let him go.

As for the barrier, no one could enter, only people his magic recognized would be able to come through but it was only two people in the demon kingdom who could anyway, so he had no worry, the witch sighed as he walked into the cabin, he needed to make the antidote for the poisoning.



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