25. Final Part I.

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Defeats and Plans in the Dark.

With the recent defeat and failure to kill his genera, Alquin sat by the balcony of the newly built castle, the demon kingdom was mostly a desolate land except for the demon nobles who supported the king and his ways, others had been coerced to side with Alquin or die and death wasn't as favorable.

The demon king knew he was ready to fight and win but with what Jon had told him, and the realization that another demon could take his throne with one wrong move, he was adamant in trying, his son had put him down with ease, having been taught by the strongest witch in all the five kingdoms, Mier had surely played his cards well, destroyed him from the inside, taken his kingdom from him from the shadows along with his strongest allies, he couldn't live it down, he had to fight.

"Your grace, what troubles you?" Tristan questioned as he stood by Alquin, his wings had turned a shade darker, Alquin knew he was practicing the fae dark script but compared to that of Everin, he stood no chance. "I only think of the future dear mate, a battle is fast approaching, have you found our allies yet?" The king questioned looking out to the beautiful garden. "The fae have returned to their home, the kingdom has been secured and they all fall under Everin's protection, he and his mate have been crowned along with their heir being born."  Tristan recounted all that he had dug up, making Alquin realize plays had truly been made in the dark.

"So the fae will not stand with us, we cannot coerce them, if I wasn't angry I'd be impressed, but you are sufficient, grow your power, we will strike soon." Alquin remained silent afterward, he knew the fae had been easy targets at first but now they weren't, a true royal with the power to back up his claim and fight had taken the throne and no one could remove him from it. "I will do so." Tristan placed a kiss on Alquin's cheek and left, he was further stressed over the potential threat his kingdom now faced, they could all easily attack him now, and destroy him.

As the afternoon rolled out Alquin noticed the silence of his home, no servant or maid had come to call him for lunch, he couldn't feel anyone besides two beings in the entirety of the new castle and it unsettled him. "Jon." He called out and the Lycan walked into the room then to the balcony where he had been called. "My lord." Jon answered placing a palm on his stomach, his child was growing strongly with the blood of a king. "How is our child?" Alquin inquiried as he rubbed the Lycan's stomach.

"Our child is alright, he's strong like his papa." Jon comforted Alquin as he was led to a seat next to the king. "The servants have fled haven't they?" Alquin assessed and Jon nodded with a sigh. "In the dead of night most of them, they are protected by the new Lycan king." Jon's response was a sad one, talking about home reminded him of what had happened to his family, the shadow kin had killed them, along with him, the new king helping them, they had no mercy for even his baby sister. "I'm sorry to bring this up, but how do you know Lampard?" Alquin questioned rubbing Jon's stomach.

"My family and his were once joined by union as both of us were of royal descent, they produced the patriarch and my family the matriarch, but my father was greedy for power, so he placed a few bribes, convinced the Lycan packs to side with him and attack Lampard and his family, though they were strong, it was a thousand to one man, Lampard witnessed his family's destruction and death but escaped that night, no one knew where he went until he showed up to take his place." Jon relayed everything wiping tears away as he saw the major reason why his own family was murdered.

"It seems your family was guilty of the deaths." Jon nodded looking out to the garden. "He shouldn't have killed my baby sister, she was innocent." He argued but Alquin chuckled. "When your family killed his there wasn't regard for innocence, he simply did what they did, I'm sorry to say." Alquin remorsefully spoke but Jon knew it was true, there wasn't a way to change it. "Have you spoke to Lampard, he can't harbor fugitives." Alquin mumbled but the Lycan chuckled instead of the demon king.

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