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Fear the Fury of the Witch of Redemption.

"We are gathered here to go forth with the trial of Saytor Creul, for his crimes against the throne and the kingdom as a whole, we are to judge fairly, with utmost respect and calm peace of mind, with a sense of justice that we—." The elder was stopped by a gust of wind. "Stop stalling and begin already, you're all lucky that I didn't kill you already." The demon king let out a non humorous laughter, all the other elders stood at a distance knowing they could easily die.

"Your majesty I believe you're biased to this case, you shouldn't stand here as a judge or jury, your involvement in it will only result in one thing that we're trying to avoid." The last of the elders spoke again fiercely, she knew if Alquin were to stay for the trial the poor man would die, all because a tyrant wants it that way. Everyone didn't see him move, none of them saw it happen, the elder who had spoken had a blade protruding from her back to her chest. "I've wanted to kill you in long while." Alquin whispered to the dying demon.

"No!" The four other elders screamed and ran for the door, they could try to fight but Alquin was more powerful than any of them. The demon king raised his hand and the double doors closed firmly, the four banged on it using magic, trying to get it open but it wouldn't work. "Join your ancestors." Alquin mumbled as he cut down the first elder in the room, his metal tasted the blood of the last remaining elders. He was a cruel monster and the only other person left alive in the room knew that.

"You stand trial alone, you took my Marcos and fucked him, conceived a brat even, then you went further, planning and plotting against me with him along with my enemies, your father would be so disappointed with how you've turned out old friend, I'm sure you can feel your own disappointment." Alquin spoke as he circled a kneeling Saytor, they locked gazes and to Alquin's surprise, his ex lover wasn't broken like he wanted but he would break him none the less.

The demon king swung his blade to kill his general, Saytor moved with speed and grace, using the blade's momentum he broke the binding chain holding back his power and mana intake, the moment the chains shattered he spun back several times to avoid another attack from Alquin. "I have a child to live for now, I'm not meeting death today." The general announced as his eyes turned completely black and a pair of wings fluttered behind him, he was going to fight to survive and give it all he's got.

Alquin knew fighting Saytor was as dangerous as fighting Mier or the witch king, they could all see his moves, they could all move with grace and agility like he had. "I'm sure you believe you stand a chance against me." The demon king chuckled as he too took a form much like his general. "Let's finish this old friend."  The demon announced and so they lunged for each other, Saytor had no weapon which perplexed Alquin until a palm connected with his right shoulder and threw him back to the wall.

"7th Circle: Trigrams of Old." Saytor mumbled as he lunged for Alquin with only those palms, they glowed an eerie crimson, the king dodged the attacks, but Saytor was only getting stronger with each blow, Alquin swung his blade again grazing Saytor's cheek, the demon vanished and appeared behind his back, Saytor delivered several blows to the king's back which made him stumble coughing out blood. "Demonic Pulse." He shot out and Alquin was thrown to another destroyed wall and out to the garden.

"Saytor you surprise me, but not that much, 7th Circle: Lucifer's Hold, 6th Circle: Reign of lightning." Chains constricted Saytor, they burned his body and wings making him scream in pain, lightning rained down on him and around him destroying the castle and the demon it was meant for. "Hear him scream Marcos!" Alquin yelled as Saytor was being tormented by the lightning.

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