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Wicked Schemes for Freedom.

"Won't you return to the castle?" Saytor asked sitting beside the witch in his garden of roses. "No I like it here, it's peaceful and I don't intend to go back ever, even when my child has seen the sun." Mier exclaimed harshly but Saytor sighed.

"You do know he will hunt you, and the bond you two share can't be broken, you're his claim." Saytor expressed worriedly but Mier chuckled. "No such thing will happen, I made sure of it." Mier replied as he took a rose into his palm. "You've been here for almost three days Saytor, don't you wish to go back, Marcos must miss you terribly." Mier smirked watching Saytor's face contort into utter shock.

"Don't look so surprised, I'm a Wrath witch." Mier explained with a chuckle and Saytor sighed. "I'm surprised you knew about us, it's still new but we've uh—we're trying it out." Saytor explained and Mier scoffed. "You do know he's the equivalent of a demon king right, if Alquin finds out he'll kill you both." The witch replied and Saytor nodded.

"I know Mier, but Marcos deserves better, Alquin doesn't love him, their relationship is based on the fact that Lake had to be a pureblood royal demon." Saytor argued and in Mier's mind the image of Lake when the mark of the goddess showing he was the next king appeared on his skin repeated itself over and over. "But what exactly can you do about that." Mier contended and the demon knew the witch was right.

He couldn't do anything, Alquin was the king and he was the general who had fallen for the king's claim. "I don't know Mier, I feel like at times I should just kidnap him and we hide away in the vampire kingdom." Saytor chortled and Mier chuckled along with him. "I know this is going to sound a lot like treason, but you and I both know Alquin will be the death of us all if we keep doing as he commands." Mier exclaimed looking out to the roses in the field.

"What are you suggesting?" The demon knew this was treason but if anyone could help him and Marcos it was the witch. "I can break the claim on Marcos if you can get him here, bond him to you, what makes Alquin powerful that everyone doesn't know is the amount of mates he has, I figured it out when I left the demon capital." Mier explained and Saytor was now piecing everything together.

"Are you saying that his plan was never peace only conquest and power?" Saytor couldn't believe what he was hearing, had Alquin made them all believe in the name of peace, something that was never rooted in peace. "I'm saying, Alquin claimed six individuals he put under his control, those individuals gave him power through the mate bond, as you know all mates share power, the more he mated with each mystic prince from a different kingdom—." Mier was cut off by a loud roar from Saytor.

"The more he got powerful, damn it!" Saytor yelled and the birds all around fluttered away. "How didn't I notice, he's more powerful than any mystic alive right now with all the mates he's claimed, that's why he didn't kill Tristan or Jon when they, oh goddess." Saytor had finally realized the truth about his friend and it hurt him deeply, Alquin was once his lover, his friend and he would do this in the name of power. 

"Can he be stopped?" The demon general asked. "Yes but it's a long shot and needs a lot of discretion, which is why I had asked you to be okay with treason." The witch responded as the demon sat down again next to him. "I can't let him rule us like this, his plans for the other kingdoms if ever they rebel make sense now and I don't think you'll like them." Saytor asserted and Mier sighed.

"Get Marcos here, I will break the bond as I did with Villa and myself, but I will need to place his bond with another and who better than you, Alquin won't feel it unless he tries to use Marcos's power." Mier stated and the demon nodded. "It won't be easy to get him out, but I will get him here." Saytor promised with his hand clutching his knees desperately. "If Alquin is ever to find out, run, don't look back, don't even rest, run." The witch warned and flicked his finger opening a portal for Saytor.

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