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Alquin carried Mier on his shoulder down the staircase to the dining hall, everyone else was sitting there silently because of the tension, with a blank expression, Mier was placed on his seat next to Villa, the table was silent as they waited for the king to say something.

Mier didn't want to be at the table, he wanted to be away, to just go about his normal peaceful evening without having to deal with anyone yet he was forced to be there and it frustrated him.

Alquin cleared his throat and looked at Jon, fully conscious yet somewhat afraid of looking at Mier. "I believe Jon has something to say to Mier." Alquin's voice held power and authority as he spoke toward Jon.

Everyone waited for Jon to speak, the lycan seemed flustered and unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry for attacking you, and I shouldn't have challenged you." Jon apolozined and looked away at his meal after because he did not want everyone to see how forced his apology was.

"Personally I don't care if you're sorry or not, but it's fine, can I leave now, I'm more comfortable in my own space, I wouldn't want Lera to attack me, as he is currently gathering energy in his palm." Mier stated with a bored tone but Marcos, Tristan, and Villa gasp.

Lera looked away with a scowl and Marcos along with Alquin groan after realizing it was true, and indeed Lera was about to attack Mier for unknown reasons at the dinner table.

"Why don't we try to air out the tension with training, bright and early tomorrow, we can all train together and maybe learn about Mier, as he is part of the family now." Lera scoffed at Marcos's statement but said nothing, he could never be friendly with the witch.

"Eat Mier then you can leave." Alquin ordered and Villa served him some food which he gratefully took and ate, everyone tried to start a conversation with the witch but he kept ignoring them and only replied Villa much to their dismay.

The two were in their own bubble, laughing and sharing jokes, envy was prominent in Alquin's eyes as well as Marcos. "Hey uncle Mier, can I sleep in your room?" Lake gave a toothy grin to Mier who only ruffled his hair with a nod, the boy grinned happily as he ate once more, occasionally taking food from Mier.

Alquin groaned yet again, as jealousy flowed within him, his child and his fifth husband were being well received whilst the rest of them were not even relevant to Mier, it irked to no end, how would he get to his new husband when he was a brick wall.

"I'm done, may I be excused, and I'm sure Lake needs a bath." Mier announced, Marcos smiled toward Lake and left a kiss on his forehead as he too got up to follow the which. "Goodnight papa, goodnight everyone." Lake exclaimed and a chorus of good night was heard as Lake and Mier left the dining hall.

"Villa, you coming?" Mier questioned with a bouncing four year old by the stairs, jaws were all dropped as Villa immediately inhaled the last of his food, bid everyone a good night, and sped walk toward Mier and Lake with a smile.

As the three left, Alquin was fuming with jealousy, Jon was neutral, Tristan and Marcos were amused and Lera was plotting for tomorrow.


"You know you're going to have to treat them like they exist at some point." Mier chuckled bitterly. "I will, at some point." His reply was final and unwavering because nothing could change his mind.

Lake played in bathtub until he exhausted himself and Mier chuckled at the droopy eyed little boy. "Come on big guy, let's get you to bed." Mier exclaimed gently rubbing lotion onto the body of the little boy, Villa watched with awe and admiration, he had never seen a kind soul such as Mier's.

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