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"I'm sorry for how you got here, but please give it a chance, I know it's asking a lot but try." Marcos exclaimed as they stood by the entrance to the hall.

"What do you want me to try exactly, make this my home, love a man whose loved by another and had a son, you don't know how I feel, I will most definitely not try anything, I was forced to be here and that has changed my life, I could be with someone else right now, a family of my own but I'm here, so don't tell me to try." Mier spoke softly, there was no anger in his voice is was sadness and exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, its almost dinner time everyone is here." The demon responded, Mier and Marcos walked toward the dining hall of the castle, it was no different for Mier only that this castle was bigger than his home and it was for the demons.

They entered the dining hall to find four men inside, a demon, a fae, Lycan, and a vampire, each one was gorgeous in their own way and unique as well.

"Everyone this is Ramier Wrath." Alquin announced and they stood up and came forward to meet Mier, the witch instantly backed away. "It's okay we won't hurt you, I'm Lera, and the vampire is Villa, the Lycans with a smile is Jon and the shortie fae is Tristan." It was the demon who had spoke and Mier simply nods.

"Youll sit with me." Marcos was the one who offered but his seat was close to Alquin and he did not want that. "Thank you but I'm sure Jon would like to sit there." He had noticed the Lycan's eagerness to sit near the king and he wasn't, why not give it to the eager.

"Oh alright then." They all sat for dinner, any conversation they tried to make with Mier was never replied, he still felt like he didn't belong, he wasn't supposed to be there and being in a foreign place with foreign people to call husbands, it made him mentally exhausted.

Magic pulsed within his body healing him and taking away a bit of his depression, everyone could feel it and they all stopped eating to ask if he were okay. "I need air please or my room whichever, your grace." Mier asked his eyes softly set on the demon king, the demon nods to Villa, who escorted Mier to his room.

"It does get better once you accept it." Villa confessed and Mier chuckled bitterly. "Marcos said the same thing, yet when I sat at that table I felt their emotions and happiness, Marcos gave him a son, they are a perfect family, and here I am being added to that, what's my job, to please him to do nothing." Mier cried out.

"I had my whole life ahead of me, now I have a demon mark and nothing else, no husband to love, no prospect to ever have a child, he would never be happy here, he would be a bastard, so tell me, what will get better?" He added as he tried to stand upright.

Villa stood by the doorway of the balcony and watched the new addition to the marriage cry his eyes out, he wanted to comfort him, tell him it was alright but he knew better and everything Ramier had said was true.

They were just playthings to a couple that already had everything set for them and no one would ever be theirs only, they had to share the love of a demon who could never be truly theirs as he left he felt tears sting his eyes as well.

Mier closed his eyes and began wondering the demon kingdom, it was beautiful indeed, he watched the waterfall rush past jaggered rocks, the flowers blow freely in the wind, it was beautiful as the sun set and moon arose.

"You should be resting." The voice of Marcos spoke beside him. "I wish I could do this, escape the confines of my body, and be in another place at will." He confessed as Mier drew them back.

"What do you want your grace?" Venom laced in his words, the male beside him flinched, his crimson eyes held sincerity but Mier knew not to trust anyone not anymore, he was in a foreign land with foreign people.

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