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Death comes in many forms.

"Are you sure you can trust her?" Jon questioned Alquin as they lay on a messy bed, sheets covering their sweaty naked bodies, the remains of what was their release smeared on Jon's torso and dripping down his leg. "Malia is a fine advisor, the one I fear I've lost is Saytor." The demon confessed as he stood up and walked to the open balcony, he stood there feeling the slight chill of the night rubbing it's cold tendrils on his bare thighs.

"Saytor was never truly loyal to you, if he could easily turn back from you." Jon asserted sweetly as he wrapped himself in a sheet. "Maybe so my beautiful beast but it still does not change the fact that I've lost an archdemon who knows all my secrets and how my mind works more than I, he is arguably more dangerous now with his loyalty taken away from me." Alquin replied knowing full well the lengths Saytor could go to ensure the one he was loyal to had what they wanted, he had him by his side so he knew, now he worried his enemies might make a move to sway his ex lover to their side.

Jon was happy to know Saytor could no longer come in between him and the demon king, he had already placed Marcos out of the picture, and with Malia being the only one truly left loyal to the king she had to be removed, Lera had fled successfully, he knew the demon had escaped to another kingdom but had no idea which one, he didn't care either way, Lera was no longer a problem. "Test her loyalty my love, and see if she proves her worth or if she betrays you." The lycan sowed his seeds of doubt in Alquin, and he knew the demon king was taking his bait easily.

"Why should I, it will only be a waste." The king argued but the doubt had already been planted. "Master I only wish for you to have the loyal and most devoted men by your side, I fear that Malia might be influenced by Saytor to leave you as well and I don't want that." He purred as Alquin felt his cock swell and leak with need at the submission Jon gave so easily. "Fine, but first you must please your king." Jon smiled with victory as he turned and bent down to give the king access to what he desired.


Malia had no idea why Alquin needed to see her in the early hours of the morning, why it had to be the forest was also a blank mystery, all she knew was Alquin wanted to see her at dawn by the east forest, it all felt bad going there but she went either way, she needed to maintain her cover, therefore, there was no point in not indulging Alquin in whatever twisted plan he had conjured in his demonic mind.

Malia flew slightly above the clouds enjoying the first rays of light as they lit up the world in a mesmerizing way, this was the beauty of the demon kingdom, which she valued greatly but Alquin was forcing her to do things she would've never thought she would in her life. "4th Circle Darkened Script." Malia mumbled and let lose the dark waves that wrapped around the berserker that had attacked her and killed it, it shocked her why the berserker had attacked her, they were under Alquin's control.

Three more swiped their claws at her as she descended, this was definitely not the start to a morning she wanted. "1st Circle Lava bomb." The ground broke apart and burst open, lava flowed all over the beasts that had attacked her instantly being killed. "What the hell Alquin?" She hissed looking around for any sign of the king. Chains sprouted from the ground, before they could rip into Malia she burst from the ground in speed and power, something wasn't right, the chains had been summoned by a demon obviously but why.

The woman began to circle the skies looking for any sign of her attacker, having found a target a bow and quiver materialize on her person, she took an arrow and aimed, pouring mana into the arrow so that when it hit it would explode, she let loose the arrow. Several explosions occurred but none had the result she wanted. "Found you." Malia mumbled as spotted the cloaked figure, four arrows were aimed at the figure and before the figure could react they exploded.

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