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"What happened?"

Mier had woken up in bed an hour away from the first rays of sunlight to show, he looked around to see his mother by the bedside along with his father and sister, the one he had sacrificed everything for.

"Mom, Dad." They all look up to meet his eyes, grey, black, and gold met, the colors of their eyes were a wonder to everyone. "What is this?" The queen gasped, Mier had turned his arm to see black vine tattoos spreading across his hand to his heart and all over his abdomen, he dared not look at his privates because he knew.

"He claimed you, you survived it but it shouldn't have spread like that." The king assessed his son in shock. "It seems your entity has given in to the demon, now it's up to you to decide though it's not hard." Mier knew what this meant and what his choice was.

As his parents stood in his bedroom even more concerned about him, Mier looked at his body once more then his parents. "I will never submit to the demon who kills with no mercy or remorse of any kind, I won't give up my will and freedom to fight." His eyes glowed with power even more ferocious than before and he felt alive for the first time.

His parents could feel the power within their son rise and they knew not to worry because he would be alright. "Promise me you'll be safe." Mier looked at his sister and nodded, it was all he could do to convince the girl that he would be fine.

"Let's eat breakfast then help you with your things." His mother announced though her heart was breaking she knew that she had to be strong, she had to be a strong mother for her son, she could not waver.

The family descended the stairs into the dining hall after leaving Mier's room, the food was set but instead of six settings, they were eight, none of the the family members questioned it they knew who it was so they ignored it.

The family began to eat as chatter filled the table, they didn't want to send their son off in anger or sadness. "I thought you are to wait for your king." The demon exclaimed, he looked dangerous as he stood by the table.

"We are sorry your grace." The second eldest child of the king and queen spoke bowing his head, the demon huffed and sat with his general whom Mier recognized.

Having masked the mark on his body it perplexed the king why his claim mark had not shown on the witch's body, when he saw his wrist and the black band he smiled to himself knowing the mark was there.

The breakfast was completed in utter silence, as no one dared to speak in fear of the king lashing out, he could easily attack and they did not want that for Mier.

"We leave in an hour." The king announced making Mier look at his parents with teary eyes, this was it. "You can cry at your own time, after we have left, I have things to do, I am a king after all!" The demon spoke harshly making the third child of the king and queen flinch.

"Stop yelling it's too early in the morning, we've heard you alright, so stop acting as if you're the goddess incarnate, we get it you're the king, so stop trying so hard to make us believe it." Mier responded and everyone held their breath only the king's plus one at the table burst out laughing.

As the witch stood up to leave a wave of black matter was sent toward him and like reflex a grey shield engulfed him. "Absorb." He commanded and the shield absorbed the matter, making everyone gasp and the witch smirk. He walked away leaving the table with a smug grin on his face whilst everyone was shocked at what he had performed.


The demon king sat in the room provided for him along with his friend and second in command. "You're making an enemy out of someone who can rival your power Alquin." The demon spoke as he sat in the king's room. "I doubt I am, and he's only bested me once Saytor." The demon sighed and stood up, he walked to the chair his king sat and grabbed the bottle of wine next to him.

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