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Dark clouds roared with thunder and the brightest of lightning, Alquin wanted to show them the error of their ways, to get rid of their audacity to even lay a finger on Tristan, though he didn't care about the fae, there was something much more important in him being alive, therefore he had to help him.

As the dark clouds gathered in fury Alquin realized his summoning wasn't working, he was using arcane demon magic, there was no need to cast the spell all he needed was mana and the pentagram of runes etched on the ground, he wondered what was going on with his power, he began drawing his own power and cast lightning on the demons.

Most of the onlookers were gone, it was just him, Tristan and the rebels, screams echoed in the empty market as lightning tore them apart. "4th circle: Dark void." He mumbled and the darkness appeared in a spiral swallowing more and more into its abyss until only a few were left. "You wanted your pound of flesh, there." Alquin sneered but the rebels had other ideas, they banded together and created a large circle with black smoke being released from beneath it and trapped the king inside.

"Die!" The rebels yelled as black chains burst through the ground and impaled Alquin and Tristan, the fae screamed as his body was being tortured by the chains, the pain was unbearable, and any movement he made resulted in more pain and rise in heat, above them a large fireball was released by several demons as well, the rebels knew they couldn't win by simply fighting so they decided to band together and fight.

The fireball was hurled onto the two mystics, when it got close Tristan made a sphere similar to the fireball emerge. "Fae Script:Jupiter's Hail." He mumbled and the sphere grew to rival the fire ball, Alquin was now irritated by the rebels, he made no sound of pain, as his body was being heated, he was just angry, so he rose from the ground he was being held to by black chains, he flicked his fingers and the chains shattered.

Above him, an explosion occurred and the shockwave destroyed the nearby market buildings. "Shadow spears." One man yelled as spears appeared from the darkness, he launched them but they never reached their target, Alquin had raised his hand and they vanished, everything was deathly silent now, the demon king waved his hand and all the remaining rebels moved to him, the free will they had was gone.

Alquin walked toward them in strong, commanding strides as power flickered around him. "Pathetic." He mumbled as his hand punched through a rebels ribcage and he pulled out his heart. "You think you could challenge me and win, you don't know who I am, but now witness, I am your king." Tristan had been shaken to his core, he felt the darkness that emanated from Alquin, the bloodthirsty beast he was, he could feel the little trace of love in his heart, but it was so faint and barely there, he could feel a lot but most of it terrified him.

He wondered if this was the demon he had grown to love before or was it all an act, Alquin used the sharp tips of his wings to slice heads off shoulders, leaving his pitch black wings all bloody. The last man, the one who led the rebels stood in front of Alquin, he stared at the king as if seeing the true meaning of demonic darkness. "For—for—iv—." He tried but his apology was not heeded as Alquin ripped open his throat crushed it, blood sprayed everywhere even the kings's face but he didn't care.

"Let's go." The demon king ordered Tristan who instantly obeyed and held his head low, he wasn't going to cross the demon, he didn't want to die that horribly, he knew you killed clean and quickly but Alaquin had done the opposite, he had done it slowly, painfully and bloody. He wanted to get away from the demon, but how could he, where would he even go, the only option was the demon king.

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