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"Lake you need to focus, magic is a part of you, an extension of who you are, so you need to learn how to control it, but before that, I need to teach you how to fight." Mier instructed as he stood by a clearing near their cabin, it was peaceful for the both of them and they enjoyed being surrounded by nature.

"Attack stance, now come at me." Mier announced and Lake lunged for him, the witch stood motionless, his hands by his side waiting for Lake to punch him. Lake hurled a first at Mier before he connected he switched his attack stance and flipped to deliver a kick instead, the kick was blocked by a single palm from Mier.

Flipping over the boy attacked again, like he had been taught his transition from attack to defense couldn't be seen, he lunged for Mier again and switched in mid air to deliver a dropkick, when he got close he increased his speed so much that everything seemed a blur and changed to kick Mier's right side, the witch smirked as he saw the results of his training with Lake.

In the blink of an eye, Lake was thrown away by an uppercut, he took the hit and spun back to land on his feet. "Never drop your guard, always measure your opponents breathing, their heart rate, their weakness, always probe for an opening, and never let your opponent get close to your three sixty close range." Mier instructed as Lake nodded in understanding.

"Yes, dad." He mumbled and Mier smiled hearing the little boy call him dad. "You did great today, that's enough, we'll train more tomorrow." The witch exclaimed in praise as Lake smiled as well. Before they could move Mier wrapped a shield around Lake, two blades appeared in his palms and he turned to where he felt the presence.

"Come out, before I slaughter you in hiding." The witch spoke angrily and from in between the trees a figure emerged, dressed in black pants, a green and white striped tee, and black boots, his seafoam green hair fell in pretty curls over his face, complimenting his blue eyes. "I'm not a threat, my name is Ajax OasisKnight, I won't harm you or the boy." He spoke in a rich baritone as his body was 6'3 with a slight bulking mass of muscle.

"How am I to believe that, when you're a royal?" Mier spat as he looked at the fae in front of him. "You don't have to, but I think you know me Mier Wrath, I was once a refugee in the witch kingdom, before the throne was taken from my family." The fae explained with caution as Mier was still holding his blades ready to attack.

The witch then closed his eyes searching his memories and truly he remembered the fae in front of him, he breathed out and let his blades disappear. "I remember." He remarked looking at the fae. Lake was no longer protected by the shield so he walked up to Mier and stood by his side.

"Hello your grace." Ajax mumbled looking at the little demon. "Hie." Lake shyly replied hiding behind Mier. "Its okay sweetheart, he won't hurt us." Mier comforted the little boy who still clung to him. "You never got your throne back, and I'm assuming you never went home." Mier exclaimed looking at the fae who nodded to his summation.

"Indeed, Tristan's family killed my family to make sure no one would challenge them ever again, but I survived and I've lived in one of the two places they couldn't find me." He explained and Mier could tell he spoke the truth, he chuckled as he knew the demon kingdom and the witch kingdom were the two best places for a fae royal to hide from anyone trying to kill them.

"I guess so." Mier chortled as Lake finally came out of hiding. "I saw you the other day, I believe you were looking for this, it's rare to find bloodroot and phoenix ashes around these parts, but oak wood and mandrake are the easiest to find." Mier smiled gratefully at the fae, he had wanted to make the healing potion for the fae poison in his bloodstream but he couldn't find the ingredients, now he had them.

"I had already made another spell to counter the poison but now I'm so grateful for this." Ajax nods as he handed over what he had for Mier. "Thank you so much." The witch expressed his gratitude yet again. "It's not a problem, your family helped mine several times and it's only fair I help you in return, I live by the settlement west of here, it's secluded enough, I had hoped I would see you earlier but you weren't here, guess this time is as good as any." The fae asserted and the witch kept smiling gratefully.

"Would you like to come for lunch?" Mier asked the fae who seemed humbled by the gesture. "Yes that would be alright, as long as I'm not intruding, and if it's no problem with the king." Ajax contended and Mier's eyes flashed black before changing to normal startling Ajax. "He's not here, it's just me and my little boy." Ajax was slightly terrified of the power he felt even if it was for a second.

"I'm sorry I mentioned him." He apologized avoiding the mention of Alquin, he knew there must've been a reason as to why Mier was suddenly angry at the mention of his name, so he would not mention the demon at all. "It's okay." Mier muttered and gestured for his long lost friend to follow.

His memories of Ajax were now coming back, he remembered the shy boy he used to be, the days they played in the garden and learned how to fly by the mountains, he had gotten lost in his thoughts as he turned he found himself chuckling to the exchange between Lake and Ajax, the little boy seemed to be warming up to the fae.

When they got to their home the witch set to work on his healing solution as Ajax and Lake found more interest in playing. "If you need help don't hesitate to ask." Ajax offered and the witch denied politely as he wanted to do it himself. "Lake come watch." Mier instructed as Ajax brought him to the work room. "Magic isn't all about fighting, it has different elements, what's the kind of magic I'm doing right now?" Mier questioned the curly headed boy.

"Alchemy." He responded with fascination as Mier dropped the bloodroot into a large glass cylinder. "Exactly." Mier responded and Ajax was fascinated watching Mier work. "You're talented." He mumbled as he watched the mix finally flare up and the flame die down after. "I have my father to thank for that." The witch replied as fond memories of him and his father practicing came to mind.

"Does he know what happened?" The fae asked and Mier shook his head. "Noone knows except you and those who were supposed to be my husbands." Mier explained knowing that even if he were to hide the truth from Ajax it wouldn't do any good, the fae had brought him ingredients that were needed for a specific kind of poison, therefore he knew, plus even though they had reunited after a long time his magic allowed Ajax to pass through the barrier which meant he wasn't a threat.

"I'm sorry Mier." The fae mumbled gently and Mier nodded in appreciation of what seemed like genuine concern, not pity. "It's alright." He replied as Lake was reading a book on chain spells. "He's a demon being trained as a witch, the results could be dangerous." Ajax chortled and Mier smiled fondly at Lake.

"The demon way of training isn't based on healing, or any other form of magic except battle magic, that's why they depend on witch and fae doctors for help, which in my opinion is stupid." Mier added as he finally brought the healing solution to his lips and drank it all, his body glowed a light grey before the witch dragged in a breath and released the poison when he breathed out.

He finally felt clean on the inside and free of the poison, though he wouldn't tell anyone how but he knew he could conceive again and that brought him hope, Lake stood up from where he sat by the table and walked to Mier. "Baby." He mumbled laying a hand on Mier's stomach, the witch gasped as he felt his magic feeding something growing inside of him.

"It's impossible." He mumbled but he knew it was possible, the incident with Alquin had happened a few weeks ago, but he couldn't have conceived, the only other time he had a sexual encounter was with Villa. The realization baffled him and he knew a storm was headed his way if the king found out.


@SJGood96 Ajax OasisKnight is dedicated to you, thank you for supporting my story.


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