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Saytor had searched the western highlands, the hidden villages, and the lower lands and valleys, any settlement he came across in the remote places deep in the demon kingdom they would tell him they hadn't seen the witch or the child, Saytor resisted the urge to fly back so he found himself cloaked, hidden in a settlement that was deep in the kingdom.

He knew that this was one of the little settlements where those who did not favor the king's rule found themselves, they would stay in deep remote locations so as to hide themselves from the slaughter that would ensue if they were found. As he was cloaked he began looking around the settlement for any sign of the witch but he knew it was pointless.

Mier would never hide out in a rogue demon infested settlement like this one, he spread his wings once again but something caught his attention, well hidden the archdemon crept closer to the group of demons, they were definitely part of the rebellion, what baffled Saytor was the amounts of money they had, he questioned how they have gotten so much gold and demon currency.

So he focused his hearing and what he heard made his slowly beating heart, pound like the drums of war. "We've been paid handsomely, the fae prince wants us to hunt a royal witch rumored to be in the east currents close to the Aliverian sea, he wants us to kill the child, like we've always wanted, now we're getting paid for it." One of the demons spoke and the others sneered.

"What do you mean kill the child?" One of the others spoke with hushed voices yet with venom. "He's giving us the location of the witch and the little prince, we are to kill them and he will fund our rebellion against the crown, and without an heir, Alquin BloodShade's rule will crumble to the ground." He explained as Saytor listened to every word he said.

He knew he needed to find Mier more than ever but could his tracking skills have misled him to believe Mier was in the western parts of the demon kingdom, if Tristan had said they were near the sea someone was changing the witch's location, probably the witch himself.

Saytor knew Tristan would betray Alquin at one point in life but he didn't expect it now, he believed Tristan was doing it because he was hurt about Alquin not doing anything when his family got slaughtered, but what could Alquin do with twenty guards, two archdemons, himself, against an army of over two hundred thousand soldiers.

The demon wasted no time in moving away after they began to call on their rebellion members to plan their attack, Saytor opened his wings and with a flap, he was heading further west, he knew Mier was somewhere there, even with magic thwarting locator spells, old age tracking couldn't be wrong, it didn't require magic, just a good eye, good intuition, and a lucky clover.

From above the demon could see everything below but at one point he felt as if he was going in a loop, as if even though he was flying in a chosen direction, he was consciously being diverted, he stopped in mid air and clasped his palms together. "7th Circle: Demonic Unbound." He cast the spell and the first defense to Mier's location was broken but to Saytor only.

He dived down when he spotted a lone cottage, it was so far from any civilization that it stood out from where it was, it was too gorgeous to be in the deep forest aswell that's what drew him to it, when he was just above the tree line the demon was struck down by a beam of light so strong the pungent odor of sizzling flesh wafted into the air, the demon screamed in pain until the attack subsided.

Saytor stood up as he began to heal, he was definitely in the right place, he wouldnt be able to fly for a few hours as both his wings had been burnt. "Where are you Mier, I just want to know you're safe." Saytor mumbled as he looked around, the cottage was no longer there only a deep forest with no life insight.

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