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Alquin swam in guilt and regret everywhere he was, in each moment he breathed, no one could console him and no amount of sex he had could fill the void of the guilt and shame he felt for what he did, he wanted to kill Tristan and Jon along with Lera for what they did but if he were to kill them then the balance he was clinging to between the five would crumble.

Mier had been gone for almost two months now, no one knew where he was and the one he suspected of knowing wouldn't even breathe the same air as he did, Villa Chevalier treated him like a plague, one that needed to be rid of and he knew soon the vampire prince would eventually leave, he could feel it every day when he was avoided, Villa was getting alarmingly stronger for a vampire, though he wasn't a threat he knew something was going on.

He couldn't confront him about it because he would never get the chance, his advisors were now just advisors. Malia never spoke unless spoken to and his general had become a stranger, not the man he went to when he wanted to get drunk and not be a king but just an ordinary demon.

It was weighing heavily on his crown and as it was said heavy is the head that bears the crown, now he was starting to understand it, to understand it all, but there was only so much he could do, as he sighed for the hundredth time after addressing nobles and common folk who had come with grievances, he stood up to leave but was immediately frozen when a fae warrior appeared in the throne room.

"Your majesty." The fae bowed and Alquin wondered how the fae had even entered his kingdom, had someone opened the barrier for him, before the fae could speak chains sprouted from the ground, they pierced him, burnt, and bound him to the ground. "What do you want in my kingdom?" Alquin hissed looking at the warrior.

"I only bear an invitation to the fae kingdom my lord, the king desires you to attend a special ceremony today at midday, he hopes you'll be in attendance, to spectate." The fae barely spoke as the chains tightened around his throat, Alquin had only heard him because of his superior hearing. "Very well then, tell your king that I will be there, and he should know that I don't want my time wasted." Alquin replied harshly and the fae disappeared.

When the demon king turned to leave the throne room again he spotted his old friend passing the throne room, obviously ignoring Alquin's presence. "Saytor!" Alquin called and the demon walked back to the throne room and bowed. "My liege, how may I serve you." Saytor replied making Alquin frown, Saytor's behavior was because he was angry, but when will that anger disappear as he would at least talk to him normally.

"Saytor don't be so formal, I'm your friend, I know you're angry but this has gone on long enough, have I not earned your forgiveness." Alquin pleaded but when the demon in front of looked at him, he saw no remorse or forgiveness. "I don't see the witch or your child." Saytor snapped back and remained in the room awaiting for the king to say his orders.

Saytor was angry, furious even, he hated what Alquin had done, enchantment or not he took it too far, he knew Alquin could've burnt out the enchantment with his magic before it got too far but he allowed himself to violate the witch, his king may claim to have been under an enchantment but he was still a king, an archdemon, therefore he could've easily countered the enchantment but he didn't, all in wanting his flesh to enter the witch, he hated him with a passion.

"We are going to the fae kingdom at midday which is an hour from now, get the guard ready, we cannot take any chances." Alquin instructed his old friend, the demon nodded and walked to do as he was told, he hoped to finish whatever the king wanted so he could find the witch and see if he were safe, it was the only thing he could do on behalf of those who stood by Alquin.

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