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Mier woke up as the evening came about, the sun had set and the moon was rising, he wasn't able to cry, he didn't know why, he only felt numb, broken, and violated, he never knew his life would end up like this, bitterly he chuckled as he thought of how optimistic he was getting about living with the demons.

As he lay on the bed in his room, he outstretched his hand looking at the shimmering black and silver tattoos that spread all over his skin, this was the demon's mark that had been forced on him, a mating he was broken in and a life he didn't want to live anymore.

He stood up from his bed and walked to the closet he was once in, checking for the clothes he had wanted to wear, he smiled in bitterness as slowly his heart was turning cold and devoid. Mier knew he had to go through with the ceremony to show everyone that they may have broken him but he wouldn't stop, he would get back on his feet and maybe one day the ice which was spreading all over his heart would melt.

He walked back to the bed placing his clothes there, before he could turn to get his shoes, a fae walked in, his bloodshot eyes made Mier interested to know what he wanted, behind him Lera was there along with Jon. "Have you come to finish what you started?" Mier questioned looking at the three, each of them wiped away tears looking at Mier.

"I'm sorry." Tristan mumbled as he broke down. "What for, isn't this what you wanted, you won." Mier responded and the three broke down in front of him. "No this isn't what we wanted, it was just a lesson, he was just supposed to kiss you, maybe you would suck him off but never what he did, it shouldn't have happened." Jon argued but Mier scoffed.

"And yet it did, do you know I can never have a child of my own because of what you did, I can never have a family, who wants a broken, violated prince, tell me would you want one." Mier's words held poison and they could all feel his hatred, he was right they had done two things worse than death itself.

"I only defended myself against hate I didn't even know that I caused, I didn't talk to you, I never attacked you, I never spoke out of turn or attacked you, I simply stayed away, but that wasn't good enough for you, you just had to ruin me, well congratulations, you win." Mier exclaimed as he walked back to the closet.

His words had not only been heard by the three mystics in his room, but by Marcos, Malia, Saytor, and Alquin himself, they didn't know how Mier knew it was his fellow husbands that caused everything but now they too knew and it broke Marcos's heart to hear how broken and cold Mier's voice was.

"Get out." Ramier exclaimed and the three did not argue, their heads were held low as they walked out of the room to find everyone else outside looking angrier than ever before. "I simply don't know what to say, even punishing you for what you did doesn't even seem to be enough, live with what you've done, and never hope to see love from me." Marcos announced looking at the king and his three husbands before turning away.

Saytor and Malia only looked at Alquin with disappointment even a king could not mistaken for anything else, they too walked away. Alquin said nothing and tried to enter Mier's room, a wall grey flames appeared and the four gasped watching the barrier. "Mier please, I'm begging you, I'm sorry, I was under a spell, please let me in." Alquin begged standing by the door but Mier ignored it all.

Villa and Lake turned the corner to where Mier's room was, the two walked silently hand in hand toward the room, Lake could not look at his father and Villa simply wiped a blood tear away forcing his anger down, the two wanted to be there for Mier, so when they walked past the wall of flames like it did not burn them, Alquin was heartbroken for once in his life.

He had done this, he had broken someone innocent, his matriarch hated him, his friends hated him and his son couldn't even look at him knowing what he had done, he wondered how everything had become so complicated when all he wanted was to build peace between the five and hope it would last, but if word was to reach the witches of what happened to Mier, war would surely come as witches were more sinister when angered.


Lake ran to Mier and hugged the witch for dear life, the little boy cried all over again as he looked at Mier. "I'm okay, look I'm okay, I'm always going to be okay my little hero along as you saved me." The boy calmed down but kept his grip around Mier.

"Promise me you're okay?" Villa asked Mier but he knew what the witch had gone through, no person would be okay. Villa embraced Mier tightly and the witch shed his tears with Lake in his arms, he couldn't tell Villa he was okay, because truly he wasn't.

As the witch finally calmed he took in the sight of two people who came to his aid and smiled. "I will be okay, I just need time." Mier asserted as he finally let go of Villa and placed Lake on the bed, the boy had seen something horrible at a young age, he hoped it wouldn't affect him as he grew up.

"You still want to carry on with the ceremony?" Villa asked to which Mier nodded, the vampire was perplexed as to why the witch wanted to put such a burden on himself. "If I back out now, I let them win in breaking me, I would've given them that honor, I want to show them that even if they did this to me, I can still rise above it." Mier argued with fierce determination and Villa nodded in agreement.

The witch swiped his fingers and all three of them had matching suits only in different colors. Lake giggled as Villa took him in his arms and tickled him. "Our little hero with wings." Villa exclaimed with a smile and Mier realized that Lake had unlocked a power noble demons and royalty had, the one to have wings which amplify your power and give flight.

The three of them walked with Mier who was now a bit more interested in conversation, Villa knew it was only limited to him and Lake as they were the only familiar thing the witch could cling to for sanity. They stood by the grand hall and Mier nodded to Villa before the doors opened, everyone gasped looking at the three.

Alquin who sat on his throne beside Marcos felt pain, rejection, and jealousy consume him, he was the one supposed to look like a family with the witch but now he had lost that right, he could see past the fake smiles Villa or Mier were giving, they were both hurt by his actions and only in one day.

Everyone who looked at Mier held envy in their eyes or adoration, the witch was indeed beautiful with his silver locks tied in a bun and braided with silver flowers. It was truly something to see, Lake was also one to be praised along with Villa, it seemed the three had taken the spotlight.

"It is time." Marcos announced as Alquin stood from his throne and walked to the center, Mier walked there as well and bowed for the king slightly to observe tradition and respect. "This is Ramier Wrath, the addition to our beautiful family, may you treat him well and kindly!" Alquin announced as a priest joined them at the center.

A circle of runes appeared on the floor, it was to bind the two souls of Ramier and Alquin, a golden thread was presented by one of the priests who would do the ceremony. The thread was tied around their joined hands signaling the bond, and as the ancient words were recited everyone gasped because a grey flame had encircled the two.

"I will never love you, I will never be bound to you, so I will not share my power with you but with another." Ramier did not say it out loud rather in his mind, there was supposed to be a bridge connected between him and Alquin, it was never formed as his power and being only stayed within Mier and never to anyone else, but those gathered did not know that, only Mier knew what he had done.

After the ceremony, Mier walked out immediately, he felt suffocated by the air in the room, he needed to get away, and he needed to be at peace, so he ran to his room, locked himself in, and sat down to meditate.



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