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Escaping Broken Bonds.

"You've got everything ready?" Malia asked the elder demon, she stood gracefully in front of Malia with a hint of annoyance and a smile, when she had heard of what the king had done she was too stunned to speak, the demons in ancient times had already been hated for their way of life, now Alquin the king was adding more to the pile of hate.

She agreed to help the young demon Malia with breaking the bond with one of the kings claimed mates because it would weaken the king sufficiently and it had to be done, no mystic was to have the kind of power the demon had, she had never wanted to think about the consequences of bonding a Wrath witch with the king, he would've been able to wipe out civilization with a flick of a finger.

But gladly the wrath witch was out of his grasp, many did not have the knowledge she had about the Wrath witches, but she knew the extent of their power, she was but a girl when she experienced the full scale of their power, and even now the demon kingdom had been a witness when the skies turned dark, lightning, hail, and fire rained from the heavens when he was hurt, no one paid heed to this power but she had, and was grateful Alquin never got hold of the witch.

The elder deep in thought looked at the once impetuous girl now with responsibility to carry out and committing treason for the sake of her country and her people. "I'm ready child." The elder replied waiting for the two who would be bonded. Quickly Malia opened her wings and flew off into the night sky, she knew where to meet Lera and get him to the elder.

And as she got near she concealed herself, Lera saw Malia coming but cloaked, he and his mate did the same, because Lera's mate was not an archdemon he did not have wings to rely on for flight. Malia landed just a few steps from the two. "After this, you're going to the king of vampires, no one will find you there." Malia instructed but the two were alarmed. "But the king of the vampires is loyal to Alquin, he will murder us on sight if Alquin has a say." Lera argued and just then Villa walked out of a portal.

"But how?" Lera's mate choked. "Anything is possible mate." Villa replied with a smirk. "Your majesty." It was Malia who fell to one knee addressing Villa. "It's alright Malia, stand." Villa instructed as the two mates were shocked. "We can discuss later, come now." Villa asserted as a portal opened and the four walked in.

It came as a shock to most but Malia and Villa had secretly been friends, no one knew about it and no one spoke about it, in public the two seemed at odds but in private Malia was Villa's confidante, more so than Marcos, the two knew each other since birth and Malia had cared for Villa when he first came to the demon kingdom, but the two had promised each other not to let Alquin know of their friendship, it would only further suspicion on the woman.

So as the four walked out of the portal into the elder's home, Malia had a smile as well as Villa. "I always knew you would be a great king one day." Malia exclaimed and the vampire chuckled. "I see you've taken your rightful place, your highness." The elder remarked as she cut the palms of Lera and his mate. Villa nodded. "Good, your mother would be proud." She added and the mention of the vampire queen had Villa feeling a pang of hurt, his mother had been killed by his own father in rage over a non-existent betrayal.

"Thank you." Villa mumbled as the ritual began. "Goddess of our creation, I beseech you, hear the prayer of your humble servant, I cut the unrighteous bond placed on your child, I shed his blood to be purified as he is to be bonded to the mate you have chosen for him, with this blood I remove the claim and with this thread I place another." The elder performed the ritual, Alquin's mark faded from Lera's wrist and with it their connection, his mate placed another claim as did he, and on both bodies, the vine like black tattoos marred their skin.

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