Chapter 2

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Space Station Duo

"When the UASE V1 retrieved its full compliment, Commander Corrolles first showed her hand. Ignored, she began to believe herself safe from the rumors of enslavement of her people. She would learn her lesson, and come to regret that certainty."

Section One: 

Admiral Greyson and Captain Mathis of the Space Station Duo greeted Captain Gireau with back slaps and congratulations. Gireau escorted them and the Duo's own executive officer to the cargo hold, where he revealed the months' food stores and other goods he brought. "Commander Thoreau, please see that these are delivered post-haste." 

Melanie saluted them and set to work, overseeing the Star Killer's and the SS Duo supply officer's teams. "Bring that transport truck in here. Careful; you don't want to be responsible for losing the five tons of goods in that crate, Graves!" 

Greyson and Mathis waved Gireau into step with them. "Welcome to the Space Station Duo, Captain Gireau."


"Captain Gireau's infamy had spread all the way to Space Station Duo. He would spend the next seven years cleaning up his act, getting ready for the honor of joining himself to a great Lady. Of course, he didn't know that when she came aboard. It would be a secret he'd have to pry free; however, it was a poorly kept secret, as she would show her hand before they retrieved the Remillions."


Kevin Limn and Teresa Mays wandered the upper level of the SS Duo. "What do you think it's like, the United Alliance Space Exploration Vehicle One?" 

Kevin chuckled at the pretty brunette beside him. "I heard they call it the Star-Killer."

Mays shook her head. "Well, that certainly inspires confidence. Do you think the rumors about the captain are true?"

Kevin waggled his eyebrows at her. "His appetite for women, you mean? Or that he single-handedly won the Battle of Terrors by disobeying direct orders? Or that he's not really on a mission of aid and peacekeeping, but that he's being sent to dominate unexplored worlds?" 

Teresa blushed. "Th - the Battle of Terrors." She hesitated and Kevin waited, unsurprised at her next words. "But - do you think he has a healthy appetite?" 

He burst out laughing at her wide eyes. "Legendary. I've heard it's legendary." Teresa swatted his arm and strode down the crisscrossing halls overlooking the docking bays. 

"Which one is it, Kev?" He stood behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder, pointing below. The ship was massive, and looked all-black. The closer they looked, though, they could pick out the almost imperceptible blend of colors. It was so dark, and non-reflective, that it would look like it had snuffed out the stars as it passed by. Kevin pulled her back into step and led her away from the windows. 

"Tomorrow, Mays. We leave the Space Station for the first time." He meandered into the Duo's library and led her to a seat. Handing her a book, he grinned. "Everything you need to know about the Battle of Terrors. It's an original work, so handle with care." Mays shot him a startled glance then reached out for the bound news releases. Kevin laughed and let go, leaving her to her investigation.


As Gireau strode with determination to the docking berth he heard the grumblings, the rumors and whispers about his ship; the ship his crew dubbed the StarKiller. Already his ship had been tasked with keeping and enforcing the peace between peoples. Alien, human, anything Alliance governed, his ship and crew intervened as requested. The farther out they traveled, the farther the ship's name became known. Gireau saw no reason to put to rest the stories, no matter if they were impossible feats credited to his crew. He planned to use his name and his ship to instill fear and obedience in new and old allied planets. For now, he would scope out the new crew members, their families, their friends, and their lives aboard the space station. With that thought, he went in search of a filling meal. 

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