Chapter 4

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At 0900, Gireau opened a channel to the entire ship. "UASE, we have reached our destination of Remillion 9. All teams report to the transport rooms and shuttle bays. Teams Life Science and Environmentals, you may go." 

One by one, Gireau sent the necessary crews to the planet below. Midshipman Corrolles went down with the first team, acting when necessary to interpret or translate for various people. Most now spoke Alliance Common, but they still needed translating of intent and meaning when transitioning from Remillion to AC, from AC to a native language. Serena translated and interpreted it all. 

The first biodome went up, then came down, then went up again. "We can't keep going like this. Everyone back on the ship." Abdanon threw his hands up in the air. If the environmentals didn't connect properly, the biosystems would fail within the first three months. 

Serena approached the leaders and motioned them aside. "May I recommend that we start elsewhere?" 

Abdanon and Fierieak turned to the linguist. "Are you a logistician now?" Abdanon smirked and shook his head. "This dome must go up before any other work can be done!" 

Fierieak tossed a radiated rock aside, clearing more area for the systems. "I don't know. Something isn't working here, Abdanon. Listen to the girl. Everyone else has a suggestion. Why not the linguist?" He snorted and hit his temporary transporter beacon. 

Serena stepped aside as she felt a presence join them. "Move the water sooner. Empty the planet. You were going to send it to space. Or an asteroid. That leaves it a danger. Move it to your moon, where you can monitor it." Thoreau spoke up from beside the linguist. "Show a win - show that by working together we can make this happen. Build the new water filtration system. Let's get some safe, clean, potable water here." 

Abdanon and Fierieak exchanged a glance, considering the merit of the XO's idea. "We'll do it. Tomorrow, after the sun rises." 

Thoreau frowned. "Transfer the water tonight. Your teams work on shifts anyway." 

Abdanon scowled. "We need to monitor the transfer to the moon. It needs a secure storage solution." 

Serena moved behind Thoreau as the commander commed the ship. "Four ready for transport." Thoreau nodded her head at the Remillion leaders. "I know. You have teams who work on shifts. Your design teams have already been working on the storage solution planet-side. We have the materials and supplies. Just double the production. One here, one for the moon." 

Abdanon hesitated, long enough for them to arrive on the ship, reluctant to make any major decisions before the cold light of day. Fierieak slapped him on the back, causing him to stumble; only his companion's quick reflexes prevented him from falling off the transport pad. "Come, my friend. A night on Remillion is 36 hours. That is plenty of time for the StarKiller's replicators to create the materials. As Serena has already proven, our friends must stay busy if they are to stay out of trouble." 

Serena winced, hoping that Thoreau and the transport officers didn't hear the men's conversation. Abdanon looked from Thoreau to Fierieak to the linguist. "Help me, my dear." Serena fell into step with the gentleman. "If we wait until the morning, then we look with fresh eyes." Serena nodded. "If we set to work now, with this plan - there are so many logistics to determine." He pinched his brow. "It will take at least 15 hours for your ship's teams to help my scientists and designers figure out what went wrong." He paced in thought, nodded, and cleared his throat to get the commander's attention. 

"Very well. Master Thoreau, we shall do as you suggest. I want a report on logistics, security, a monitoring system, and housing for anyone stationed on the moon before we begin. Our survivors and colonists must agree to the plan. Only volunteers will go to the moon. They must have a way to resupply. And the water must eventually be jettisoned into the sun - it will be the only safe way to dispose of it." 

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