Chapter 9

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Section One "Admiral Gireau never wanted to get married. He was married to his ship, married to the stars. Exploration ran in his blood. He believed it would be cruel to tie a woman to him, knowing that she would never come first. His marriage to the Lady was unexpected, and most unwelcome - at first."

Archive Date: 2194.05.20


Venturie took the captain aside after a night of carousing with their most recent new allies; a group of dignitaries from several planets who met on the neutral ground of the StarKiller. Gireau, high from a night of debauchery, greeted the officer in a friendlier vein than he had in the 6.5 years prior. "Captain. I have a request to make."

Gireau, on his way to the bridge, motioned the first officer onto the elevator with him. "What is it, First Mate?"

Venturie smiled and followed the captain. "I know the lottery is up again this year; every three or so years we all wait with bated breath to find out who is marrying or having children." He leaned against the wall and stared, considering the computer panel. "I want Lieutenant Corrolles. You can assign her to me."

"Impossible." Gireau snorted. "I have nothing to do with the assignments or the lottery draw. Besides, she's entirely too young for you. She's what, 20?"

Venturie scowled and fisted his hands. "She's 22, Captain. No longer a child."

Gireau jerked his head in acknowledgment of this truth. "Aye. She's of marriageable age. Which means she's untouchable. Find a widow. There are plenty of willing women onboard our ship, First Mate. I will not have you taint the marriage market just to satisfy an itch."

Venturie lunged, stopped mid-stride as the captain glared at him, hand on the hip-holstered laser they all wore.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Venturie seethed as the doors slid open. "Aye, Sir."

The computer sounded then, a tone only heard twice before, once for marriages, and once for birth allotments. "Please wait for the marriage assignments and birth lottery announcements."

Several moments passed and the captain heard many of the young women shriek with expectation. Lieutenant Corrolles grimaced but kept her face averted, her focus only on her work.

Gireau grinned and moved toward his seat.

"Birth allotments. Officer Kyoko Naminera and Officer Teresa Mays, Chief Harris and Celeste Grimes. Marriage assignments. Candace Hearth to William Graves, Iris Jordan to Kevin Limn, and Lieutenant Serena Corrolles to Captain Liam Gireau."

Gireau found himself flying across the bridge, a sudden ache in his jaw. He grabbed it and stared at the offender. Venturie towered over him in a rage, restrained by several security officers. The females on the bridge squealed with excitement but he saw only horror on the lieutenant's face.

*I'm not that bad, am I?* He shook his head and grasped his jaw in his hands, easing it back and forth, ensuring it wasn't broken. *It's not like I want to get married. He rose on steady feet and pulled his uniform back into a semblance of order. I'll go right now and appeal to the higher authority at the next space station.* He recognized the relief that crossed Corrolles' face and his curiosity about the young woman increased. Straightening, Gireau crossed to his console and pressed the ship-wide intercom. 

"This is the captain. Congratulations, crew and family of the UASE Vehicle One. We are proud of your achievements and look forward to celebrating this new stage of your lives."

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