Chapter 11

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"When my grandparents told me their tale, I was at first concerned, then I realized that it was an epic love story. The doctors and scientists had been correct. The Admiral and the Lady would fall in love - but their path was fraught with danger, and misunderstandings."Section One: Secrets, Secrets EverywhereArchive Date: 2194.06.28-2195.04.21"It didn't take long for Gireau to realize that his wife went out of her way to avoid him; someone helped her, though, because her schedule kept her away from the bridge entirely for a full month. His headaches returned; even with his coffee cup remaining full, he often stared irritably at the dark brew. ...And just as an aside, he still prefers his coffee black as the night sky."


Tired of his grumpiness, Commander Thoreau sought out the linguist in the lab and cornered the young woman."Lieutenant Corrolles, a word." She led the girl to a corner of the room and disabled their comms. "Wouldn't want our conversation to get back to those who don't need to hear it." Thoreau nodded, letting the girl know just how much she really knew. 

"I need you to return to the bridge." 

Corrolles shook her head, readying a protest that Thoreau needed to nip in the bud. "Look, Serena." Melanie hoped that using the girl's first name would instill a feeling of confidence. Corrolles gave her a look of such humor and disbelief, Thoreau laughed openly and held her hands up, palm out. "Okay, okay. That was a poor attempt." She dropped her hands and lost her laugh. "I don't know how you do it, or what you do, but the captain needs you. If there was a medical issue, I would insist that he be removed from duty until it is resolved, but it's not. He gets these headaches that interfere with his ability to do his duty. You take away his headaches."

Corrolles again shook her head. "If I may, Commander Thoreau." Melanie nodded. "True, his headaches are not due to a severe unknown medical issue; however, if he does not learn to better handle the stress, he will not be able to fulfill his duty. The captain is a warrior and a man. He does not know how to ask for help, not even of the doctor, who could prescribe him medication and teach him coping techniques. I am only a temporary fix."

Thoreau placed a hand on Corrolles' arm and felt the girl flinch. "A good one, though, with longer-lasting results." She removed her hand. "How does it work?"

Corrolles shrugged a shoulder. "I don't know. I feel his pain, the ache, and the stress. I can buffer it, so it's not as severe. He is better able to handle it in lower doses."

Thoreau leaned closer, as though sharing a secret - which, she realized, she was. "What do you do with all that emotion, stress, and feeling?"

Corrolles shifted from foot to foot, projecting a noticeable discomfort. "I don't do anything with it. I haven't learned what to do."

Thoreau frowned in thought. "Dame Meniere could help you, but I don't think we're supposed to see her for another couple years. Our next resupply stop is Space Station Quinque in three months, as we make another circuit." She nodded decisively. "Return to the bridge at once." 

Corrolles saluted her. "Aye, aye, Sir." Breathing deeply, Corrolles asked, "If I may, Sir?"

Thoreau enabled their comms and pulled the girl into motion beside her, walking sedately to the bustling hub."Why haven't you told anyone?"

Thoreau grinned. "I've been trying to figure that out. It's like the old woman, the tribe elder said. 'You're a good weapon'. And that our 'good chief' doesn't know what he has. It's more of a secret weapon if no one knows about it, right?"

Corrolles stumbled, hesitating a moment before resuming her proper step, and sent Thoreau a tight smile. "Right. Thank you, Sir."They entered the bridge together and Corrolles relieved the linguist-on-duty. In only a few moments, Gireau seemed more at ease and the general air felt calmer.

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